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  1. #11
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=senorjerm]Greeting all!

    If you could answer the following questions I'd appreciate it tremendously!

    1. How old are you?
    2. When did you start using a straight razor?
    3. Why do you use a straight razor?
    Cause it's cool
    4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)
    5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?
    sharpening knives, golf, cooking
    6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?
    7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?
    I have always liked more traditional methods.
    8. Where did you buy your razor?
    9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?

  2. #12
    Junior Member jon_h_2268's Avatar
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    1. How old are you?


    2. When did you start using a straight razor?

    May 04

    3. Why do you use a straight razor?

    Close, clean, comfortable shave, Certain amount of skill and concentration involved, Environmentally friendly, Good conversation, New Hobby, My fiancée prefers my face this way

    4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)

    Cambridge Ontario: Urban (currently, grew up in the country)

    5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors?

    Fencing, recumbent bicycles,

    6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?

    no kids yet, but I'm getting my brother, future brother in law, and friends interested. (Ages 20-27)

    7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?

    Very bad razor burn with disposable safety razors, poor results with electric.
    Good conversation.

    8. Where did you buy your razor?

    9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?

    Most definitely. But time to complete a shave of the same quality (some stubble can be felt during the day) as a disposable is not that different (mind you that with a str8 there is no razor burn) to get the best shave possible takes more time but is much more enjoyable.

    (also if you happen to know, where might I find a fairly cheap straight razor, for visual reference purposes only... you guys have balls I don't have )

    Oh, come now I'm sure you are tempted to give it a try. don't be afraid to ask here for some equipment so you can actually SHOW what you are going to market! It’s not about the razor so much as the shave and the attitude that goes with it. Remember that not only the classic gruff manly men shave with str8 but also those who are more prone to a relaxing and luxurious experience. May of us can be eccentric, but I think you will find straight shavers in all walks of life!

    Jon in Cambridge Ontario

  3. #13
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    1. How old are you?

    22. Oh my and a-boo-hoo.

    2. When did you start using a straight razor?

    About three or four weeks ago.

    3. Why do you use a straight razor?

    I'm pretty old school, and I'm fond of doing things the way they used to be done. I own more LPs than I do CDs, collect antiques and stray from the "latest fashions" in favor of what I believe to be timeless - not trendy. People my age think going to IKEA and getting a living room set for fifty bucks is great, but I'm the one who'll spend the dough on an Italian leather chair and ottoman, knowing that I won't have to replace it. Straight razors meet all of these specifications of mine. They last forever if you take care of them; they look damn cool; and, as many of the other people have mentioned, there's a reliance on ritual and a necessary skill level. I've had a fondness for sharp objects all my life, and I like ritual.

    4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)

    Small town boy in a bigger city. About a million people.

    5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?

    Collecting LPs and antiques, golf, coooking, playing guitar, drums, cartooning.

    6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?

    No (known) children.

    7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?

    I wasn't really dissatisfied with the regular two-bladed razors I was using, honestly. They did the job. I started using the straight because I had wanted to try it for a while, and they apparently do a better job once you've had enough practice.

    8. Where did you buy your razor?

    Well, I have four razors (and a shavette) at the moment. The first I ordered from Lynn and the rest I picked up at antique stores.

    9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?

    Not really. (Just kidding!) It's a very relaxing and entertaining practice. I grow more and more comfortable with each shave and I'm sure I'll be an expert before long. Honing, on the other hand, may take some work.

  4. #14
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    1. Age 51
    2. December 2004
    3. Best Shave available
    4. NYC definately urban
    5. Golf, Photography, Movies Reading
    6. Maybe later he is 11
    7. I had a str8 razor shave from a barber and I realized it lasted longer than any mach3 shave. It was smoother too.
    8. Store for my first rest online
    9. Yes my skin is better since using a str8. In addition it is time I take for myself.

    It also sets me apart from other guys. Anyone can shave with a mock3 this takes skill. I think this world has become a disposable society with very little respect for craftsmanship. It is kind of like the difference between a piece of art and a paint by numbers picture they can both look nice but one requires talent and hense is worth more.

  5. #15
    Senior Member str8_razr's Avatar
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    1. How old are you?
    2. When did you start using a straight razor?
    August, 2004
    3. Why do you use a straight razor?
    now shaving every morning is something I look forward to. I use a different razor every day (I have a total of about 12) and usually use a different soap as well, so it's always a different experience than the day before. I like the novelty of it, the satisfaction of getting a good shave from a str8, the tradition behind it, and... because it's kinda cool.
    4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)
    5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?
    fitness (currently training for a marathon), golf, playing guitar, reading
    6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?

    7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?
    I was somewhat dissatsfied with other razors, but did it more because I thought it was worth a shot. I was always intrigued by it, and thought it was a really cool way to shave. It ends up, it's really not that difficult after several attempts
    8. Where did you buy your razor?
    group member
    9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?
    Yes. And, at the end of the day, after doing two passes, it takes only an extra 5-6 minutes than a shave with a cartridge razor.

  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    1. How old are you?


    2. When did you start using a straight razor?

    about two and a half years ago

    3. Why do you use a straight razor?

    we live in a disposable throwaway society where hype is king. Straight razor shaving is a lost skill and it requires practice and diligence on the part of the shaver. It goes back to the days when there was pride in products produced and quality in manufactured goods.

    4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)

    New Mexico, urban

    5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?

    Cooking, baking, Rockhounding, watch collecting

    6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?

    I have a son but he has no interest in using a straight

    7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?

    After retirement I have the time to indulge myself. While working I just didn't have the time in the morning. Too hectic a schedule. I was strictly an electric shaver type. I always had the newest and best.

    8. Where did you buy your razor?

    Some off Eboy others from a variety of sources

    9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?

    To me its worth the time but I don't think large numbers of mainstream people will ever embrace it. It just doesn't fit into modern society, like wearing a pocketwatch or driving a car with a stick. Most Straight users are really a different breed and appreciate and value different things. Compared to shaving with a blade it doesn't really take that much more time, depends how much pampering you want. Compared to an electric it does take more time though. In the end its a pleasurable experience to enjoy every day. For most people shaving is a unhappy chore to do each day and be done with it. If you can alter peoples attitudes you'll be successful. Good Luck.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Dr_Phong's Avatar
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    1. How old are you?


    2. When did you start using a straight razor?

    6 months ago

    3. Why do you use a straight razor?

    I quit smoking and started exercising. The more I took care of myself the better I felt. Grooming has been in last place with me for a while. Hated shaving. Those crappy disposibles really piss me off. Saw a show where a guy was getting a straight razor shave in a nice barber shop and became interested. I love the skill involved and I'm a bit eccentric.

    4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)

    Orlando, FL Urban

    5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?

    Cinema, art, music, reading

    6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?

    If I had a son, he probably want to use it on me.

    7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?

    Hate the disposible. Really like the tradition.

    8. Where did you buy your razor?

    I bought two razors from guys here and one on ebay.

    9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?

    It is worth all the additional time it takes. My morning routine has gone from 15 minutes to shower and shave...To 40 minutes. Really slows me down and has me focused.

    I myself am a designer/animator and can understand the lure of the straight razor. It is chock full of rich imagery. Just the whole juxtaposition of sharp steel against soft vulnerable flesh can speak visual volumes. However... I peronally hope I don't see straight razors for sale at the supermarket. I like being a part of the minority. When guys buy thier razors from Lynn, Bill, Tony or David they get more than a shaving instrument. They get something handed down that comes with a little fatherly advice. That is what I find so appealing about straight razor shaving and this web page.

  8. #18
    Senior Member uthed's Avatar
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    1. How old are you?

    2. When did you start using a straight razor?
    When I was 19, I believe ....

    3. Why do you use a straight razor?
    It suits me better, it gives me more latitude on how often I shave, its a habit, its cheaper to maintain in the long-term ....

    4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)
    Suburbs of Chicago ....

    5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?
    Besides restoring razors, I've just begun restoring old fountain pens, I've always enjoyed photography of nature, and I'm an Internet addict ....

    6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?
    n/a ....

    7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?
    I was young and immortal and fond of sharp tools ....

    8. Where did you buy your razor?
    I bought my first razor at an antique store, and numbers two and three at a cutlery store. Since, I'm not particularly choosy ....

    9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?
    I don't know it does take extra time. When King Gillette introduced his safety razor back in 1904, he included a little how-to-shave booklette in the box called The Gillette Way. Two of seven pages of text addressed shave preparation, effectively first wetting the face and whiskers. So, shave prep ought to be the same for straight versus multiple-edge. The actual razor time is not that different. Plus, a straight razor shave can last a couple of days, so you don't need to shave every day. Then there's the time savings in not having to shop for replacement blades. So perhaps the question ought to be is the multiple-edge razor worth the time, and perhaps the aggravation.

    (also if you happen to know, where might I find a fairly cheap straight razor, for visual reference purposes only... you guys have balls I don't have )
    For visual purposes, a $5 eBay razor will suit your needs .... Gee, can you immagine the day a bubble-packaged straight razor will hang on the display pegs next to the multiple-edge razors?

  9. #19
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    1. How old are you?

    2. When did you start using a straight razor?
    First try about 20 years ago, then again last year

    3. Why do you use a straight razor?
    Lots of reasons: one, I like being independant, I want to be able to shave even if I can't get to a drug store to buy new blades. Two, its easier on my face, I get shaving sores that heal when I shave with a straight. I also like the nostalgia and the benefit to the environment. I like tools and don't like the idea of disposable things. I would equate disposable razors with the divorce rate, once your tired of something just toss it away instead of maintaining your "things"

    4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)

    5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?
    Guns and shooting, eating out, working out, and movies. Not really much time left in my life as I am a full time students as well

    6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?
    Maybe, he likes DEs (Double edge razors)

    7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?
    I don't know where the interest came in, I think it was a part of a mid-life crises when I realized it was "always" something I wanted to learn how to do but it is also a lost art and by itself with no other work I am suddenly unique in the world just by knowing how to shave with a straight razor.

    8. Where did you buy your razor?
    I get a few off of Ebay and like to buy them new.

    9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?
    Not always, some days I don't have the time. But I'm pretty new to it all. The difference for me is like 5 min though. Not a big deal.

  10. #20
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    You had better rethink your target market. You will notice from our other hobbies not all of us are macho beer bottle chewing cavemen. Str8 shaving crosses many lines of people. We are just cool guys...... lol

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