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09-17-2005, 02:38 PM #21
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Thanked: 0If you could answer the following questions I'd appreciate it tremendously!
1. How old are you?
2. When did you start using a straight razor?
6 months ago
3. Why do you use a straight razor?
I like the nostalgia, hate paying for disposables, hate the disposable waste, have a tough beard with tender skin, I like doing things that others don't consider.
4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)
Washington DC Urban
5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?
Espresso, woodworking, reading, art museums, antique fountain pens.
6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?
no children
7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?
See question 3.
8. Where did you buy your razor?
Ebay (my razor? Who has just one?)
9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?
Yes, shaving with a straight is a enjoyable ritual in the morning and much better than the chore shaving was before.
09-17-2005, 03:49 PM #22
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Thanked: 0You had better rethink your target market. You will notice from our other hobbies not all of us are macho beer bottle chewing cavemen. Str8 shaving crosses many lines of people. We are just cool guys...... lol
I'm thinking that perhaps it would make more sense to try to market them to fathers as something they would give to their sons as they got to shaving age. To try to emphasize the traditional aspects, the skill in using one, and the idea of trying to lessen our reliance disposable items. If a kid learns to use one from an early age maybe they would stick with it?
I think it would also make sense to try to market them towards an older age group also. I had stated 17-25 as my tarket age, but I am now somewhat doubtful that a 17 year old would pick one off the shelf and attempt to use it. They would NEED to be taught how to use it correctly so they avoid taking chunks out of their face and never pick it up again.
Or maybe it makes more sense to market it to guys that like to take time to pamper themselves. That seems to be a very common theme among members here. That seems to break the boundaries between interests and backgrounds amongst all things.
My perception has definately been changed as to who is using them! Now to figure out of those kids would have any interest at all in using one...
09-17-2005, 09:59 PM #23
1. How old are you?
2. When did you start using a straight razor?
July 24th 2005
3. Why do you use a straight razor?
With all the sensual goodness of a straight shave it's hard to pick just one reason, except maybe 'I'm old fashioned'.
4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)
Canada, city to city, wishing I could spend more time in the country.
5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?
collecting comic books (Thieves and Kings, and Astro City these days)
singing and playing guitar, banjo, mandola and charango
6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?
7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?
Environmental reasons. It's going to be several generations before any of these blades end up in a land fill. We might even eliminate land filling altogether by then!
8. Where did you buy your razor?
Straight Razor Place member and Ebay
9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?
ABSOLUTELY! The sensual hedonistic pleasure of a great straight razor shave is ART. It's also empowering. I'M responsible for this blades edge and my ultra smooth face. (turns the chicks on, too)
On the marketing front, I think it is even potentially dangerous to market straight razors to teenages in the twenty-first century. They're not immortal, but tend to act like they are (I did too). It shouldn't matter too much when you get the buyer in his lifespan since most will only keep a few blades till the grave. Getting them early is a consideration though, since older folk can get set in their ways.
P.S. I'm sure that the game was an RPG. Either that or you're nuts and we'll be warning law enforcement officials about you. What was the system and what kind of damage did you give them? Since the cut from a razor is closer to a scalpel incision, I think it should be very low; unless you score a critical hit at which time, unless you can get some first aid to stop the bleeding, give the character a minute or so to die. (RPG: an erstwhile hobby)Last edited by xman; 09-18-2005 at 04:38 AM.
09-19-2005, 10:10 PM #24
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Thanked: 21. 40
2. Originally tried it a couple of times in my late teens, but gave up on it because I didn't know how to use it. After discovering this forum in April 2005, gave it another shot.
3. I usually get a much better shave with using a str8 compared to my previous method which was a disposable twin blade Gillette.
4. Wisconsin -- suburb of Milwaukee
5. Working out, woodworking, home remodeling projects, cooking, etc.
6. n/a
7. I like the tradition behind str8 razors.
8. First one was at a knife store and my other razors are from forum members.
9. Yes, the extra time is worth it. Plus it's sort of rewarding knowing I use a razor that some guys would never use.
09-20-2005, 12:11 AM #25
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Thanked: 4942Here ya go:
1. 54 years old
2. First straight razor shave at age 21.
3. Love that smooth as a baby butt feeling on my face and find the entire process most relaxing.
4. Live in Medina, OH. It's both small Urban and Rural. 35 miles from Cleveland.
5. Motocycles, Fly Fishing, Target Shooting (Used to hunt), collecting cuff links and having an occasional beer or glass of
6. I have three sons. 27,25 and 22. They all use a straight razor.
7. I really started using the straight razor because at age 21, I didn't need a shave for 2 days. Now I love it because it is a very relaxing start to the day and an awesome hobby to pass on to other.
8. My first razor came from Chicago Cutlery. Solingen made. The next 600 or so, from you name again.
9. Without a doubt. As an executive, it is priceless to start off the day in a calm and relaxed frame of mind vs. rising and being out of the house in 30 minutes in a frenzy that lasts all day.
I'll be happy to give you a razor for visual purposes. If you want a picture, consult our gallery.
Thanks Jeremy.
I would like to see the final product.
11-05-2005, 03:07 AM #26
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Thanked: 01. How old are you?
2. When did you start using a straight razor?
a week ago
3. Why do you use a straight razor?
I like the sense of ritual to it. I also like that the ritual in reinforced by the blade itself.
4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)
Phoenix AZ, urban
5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?
reading, strategy games, poker
6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?
7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?
I didn't like that I had razorburn for several hours after using a normal razor, also I would get home at the end of the day and visibly need another shave.
8. Where did you buy your razor?
"The Knife Shop", a little store at the mall
9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?
Absolutely, it is a better shave, and lasts longer
11-07-2005, 03:08 PM #27
Straight razor shaving poll
1. How old are you? 44
2. When did you start using a straight razor? 2 months ago
3. Why do you use a straight razor? Because I enjoy the ritual and it provides a much better shave.
4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?) Suburban Detroit
5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors? Watches, sports, pens, etc.
6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he? No, just two young daughters
7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition? Tradition. I remember, as a young boy, watching my Grandfather shave with his straight razor. I always said that one day I would shave like that. When I got tired of the M3 experience and related cost, I said, "now is the time". I won't shave any other way.
8. Where did you buy your razor? Dovo "Special" 5/8
9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?
Absolutely! between the proper prep, the relaxing shave and the proper after-shave, it's absolutely worth the extra time. Once you rub your hand over your freshly shaved face and feel just how close and comfortable it is, you realize the time just spent is well worth the end result.
11-07-2005, 09:34 PM #28
1. How old are you?
2. When did you start using a straight razor?
Several months ago
3. Why do you use a straight razor?
I have an affinity for the moderately obscure. I also dislike shaving (electric) and disposable razors irritate my skin.
4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)
Ithaca, NY 'tis in the country
5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors?
Restoring razors, watching movies
6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?
He's pretty interested, since he's 3 1/2. He especially likes the dremel I use for restorations
7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?
I like 'classic' stuff (though I dislike calling stuff 'classic'). I simply fell in love with it after a month or so.
8. Where did you buy your razor?
Well I have a bunch now, but my first was from Lynn
9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?
You bet
11-08-2005, 10:28 PM #29
I'll Answer these for both myself and my son
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Son: going on 15.
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Son: Same
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Son: Because it's cool.
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Son: Juggling, Kayaking, Sailing, Camping, multiple musical instruments
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Son: Because I'm not a sissy chicken.
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Son: one of Dad's restored flea market specials, George Wostenholm & Son's Celebrated IXL Washington Works, Bone handle
Originally Posted by senorjerm
Son: It's cool
Originally Posted by senorjerm
FUD, the RV in training
11-09-2005, 04:15 AM #30
You let your 15 year old son have a straight razor, FUD?
New quiz:
1. Are you thick headed?
2. Are you HOPING he'll have an accident?
3. Are you prepared to just get rid of the kid and make it LOOK like an accident?
4. Does it simply make you the coolest dad a kid ever had?