Today, the mailman surprised me with a padded envelope. As I was going shorten his walk towards the mailbox, he threw the package in the air for me to catch it, and dropped it on the floor. Intrigued by the unexpected package and possible damage to its contents. I decided to open it in the presence of the mailman. It was addressed by gugi. When I opened, I realized that it was a beautiful Heljestrand razor, identical to this one:

Heljestrand, C V "Unspecified" 13/16 - Straight Razor Place Wiki

Gugi and I had been talking about favorite razors awhile back and he offered to send me a loaner to increase my razor culture. Needless to say, I was not expecting that offer to materialize but here it was in all its splendor. But that is not all, along with this razor, gugi also sent me a 1 or 2 oz Nalgene bottle of what presumably is one of my favorite things in life; Yardey's aftershave (vintage). He knows I love the stuff because it reminds me of my grandfather. After saving the hand of the mailman who tried to touch the edge of the razor, I demonstrated the hanging hair test to him as a way to point out what could have been a serious mistake. Oh man, he was very grateful but not as much as I am. I am deeply touched by gugi's gesture. Not because I am on the receiving end of a nice deed but because small things like this, make me revise the immense value of friendship and camaraderie exercised by many in this forum. When most people in the world are trying to make an easy buck, here is gugi trying to make a guy, whom by the way, he has never seen in his life, and that could be a crook for all he knows, have a happy day and not expecting anything in return; thank you gugi. I have been a little inactive recently because I have been working on my house but not busy enough to let one like this pass unnoticed. Gugi, you are a true friend!!! I can't wait to test the razor and use the contents of the bottle.

Al raz.