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Thread: Dubl Duck Popularity

  1. #1
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Default Dubl Duck Popularity

    Undoubtedly, the Dubl Duck razor is popular on this website. When I went to Granbury, Texas for a shave from an old-timey barber, the first razor he showed me was a Dubl Duck. And, it seemed he prized the razor as well.

    So, dumb question coming, why is the Dubl Duck so popular? Size, edge, honing, rarity?

    Feel free to just refer me to some material or an article. I searched, and the Dubl Duck information I am finding doesn't really jump out and explain its popularity.

  2. #2
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    I can't speak for anyone else, but I will tell you why I LOVE mine.

    First, I only have one...for now! As soon as I can get another at a fair price, I will for sure

    After I cleaned the blade up a bit with some W/D paper, I honed it up and tried it out. It was EASILY the closest, most comfortable shaver I have right now. It almost feels like it's floating across my cheek.

    I'm sure some ppl love them b/c of their looks (and they are good looking razors ) but I like mine because of the great shave it gives. Once I get some pictures I will make a post with the great history/details of this razor.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The dumb answer is wait for it

    They shave really really good !!!!!

    I mean seriously all other reasons aside, they shave good...

    Also they are very consistent in fact probably the most consistent razors I have seen.. Unless a DD has been damaged somehow, they always hone easy and (wait for it) they shave really really good...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 10-07-2009 at 05:56 PM.
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  5. #4
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar1999 View Post
    ... It was EASILY the closest, most comfortable shaver I have right now. It almost feels like it's floating across my cheek.
    Do you believe the good shave was because of sharpness?

    I think I remember someone saying the metal on a Dubl Duck is softer than a lot of other razors, and because of this it took a very sharp edge, but required a little more effort keeping it sharp. Might not be remembering correctly.

  6. #5
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryAndro View Post
    Do you believe the good shave was because of sharpness?

    I think I remember someone saying the metal on a Dubl Duck is softer than a lot of other razors, and because of this it took a very sharp edge, but required a little more effort keeping it sharp. Might not be remembering correctly.
    I've only shaved with it 3 or 4 times so far (I don't shave everyday) but I can tell you as far as mine is concerned, YES, it takes a very sharp edge! Got a nice little "love bite" from her hehe

    I honestly couldn't tell you about the steel being softer, but I haven't had any trouble keeping it sharp. I strop her on a CrOx pasted balsa strop before I shave, and I haven't noticed any loss of sharpness or comfort.

    I think it's the Wonderedge that is made of a different type of steel than the others IIRC, but I've never used one, so I couldn't tell ya anything about those

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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar1999 View Post
    I've only shaved with it 3 or 4 times so far (I don't shave everyday) but I can tell you as far as mine is concerned, YES, it takes a very sharp edge! Got a nice little "love bite" from her hehe

    I honestly couldn't tell you about the steel being softer, but I haven't had any trouble keeping it sharp. I strop her on a CrOx pasted balsa strop before I shave, and I haven't noticed any loss of sharpness or comfort.

    I think it's the Wonderedge that is made of a different type of steel than the others IIRC, but I've never used one, so I couldn't tell ya anything about those
    Last I heard they were all the same type of metal. Love them all

  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Frank Natale, a 70 year old barber in No. Jersey with 50 years cutting hair told me in the early '80s that dubl duck and FWE were his favorite razors. He may have said they were the best it was a long time ago and I really don't remember.

    Other barbers in the area told me the same. One I remember said that any Solingen HG was good with some Sheffield and USA razors being good also but not as good as the Solingens.

    They didn't qualify their preferences with an explanation. Since I have been honing and shaving with them I think it is the ease of honing to a very sharp edge and the edge holding capability. Those guys shaved people all day and a light in the hand easy to get sharp and stay sharp razor was what they esteemed.

    Just my 2 cents.
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  9. #8
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    When i was at one of the local antique shops. The old man behind the counter said that almost every barber in the area used DD's.

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Frank Natale, a 70 year old barber in No. Jersey with 50 years cutting hair told me in the early '80s that dubl duck and FWE were his favorite razors. He may have said they were the best it was a long time ago and I really don't remember.

    Other barbers in the area told me the same. One I remember said that any Solingen HG was good with some Sheffield and USA razors being good also but not as good as the Solingens.

    They didn't qualify their preferences with an explanation. Since I have been honing and shaving with them I think it is the ease of honing to a very sharp edge and the edge holding capability. Those guys shaved people all day and a light in the hand easy to get sharp and stay sharp razor was what they esteemed.

    Just my 2 cents.

  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    I think it was a combination of the fact that they shave well, you don't have to bend over backwards, sit in a lotus position and go to the mountaintop to hone them and they were available to barbers I would assume from the barber's supply outlet.

    The 70+ year old barber in my town gave me a Red Imp and a DD Dwarf spike point.........................for free a few years back. A very kind gesture.

    I believe I've seen Dubl Duck hair cutting scissors available in a barber supply catalog within the last few years.

    Chris L
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  11. #10
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    I'm glad someone posed this question. I was thinking the same.
    I strop my razor with my eyes closed.

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