View Poll Results: Do your shave brushes smell from your soaps after they are rinsed and dried?

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  • Mine smell wonderful

    30 62.50%
  • Mine don't smell at all.

    20 41.67%
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  1. #1
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default Something wrong with your sniffer?

    I usually don't resurrect threads from other sites but this one got me thinking.

    They were saying how every time they entered their bathroom or shave den they were greeted by the wonderful smells emanating from their brushes. I said funny none of my brushes smell at all and I use aromatic soaps on a regular basis. So I said you guys don't properly rinse out your brushes that's the problems. They said I must be olfactory challenged.

    So I want all of you to go to your brushes and sniff them and tell me what you discover.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    My brushes .... and everything else I own smell of pipe tobacco. I cannot smell it myself 'cause I'm immune from smoking so much of it. OTOH, I can't smell the "earthy" aroma that members describe in their natural hones either. This has always been something I feel like I'm missing out on but maybe I'm better off.
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  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post

    So I want all of you to go to your brushes and sniff them and tell me what you discover.

    No !!!

    I know that even my 2 YO Shavemac Slivertip will still smell like wet dog if I bury my nose in it...

    I guess I rinse my brushes too good also

  4. #4
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    The twenty year old Simpson's Chubby smells very faintly of lavender. I used soaps in the past, first Williams then higher end soaps. Now I use Trufitt and Hill Ultimate Comfort Shave Cream, unscented.

    I *thought* I was rinsing the brush out enough, but maybe not...

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    My daily brush, a Tweezerman badger is more or less scent free, but I usually only use Mama Bear Unscented or Peppermint soaps at the moment. The old piece of crappo Vulfix pure bristle, the first brush I ever bought, which I blew the dust off recently to use on my first Tabac cream test, still smells of Tabac quite noticeably more than two weeks later.

    Chris L
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  6. #6
    The Mok Ookla's Avatar
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    I rinse very well and also have really soft water. Don't disregard water softness as a suspect in the mystery. Harder water won't rinse the soap away nearly as well as soft water.

    Just a theory!

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ookla View Post
    I rinse very well and also have really soft water. Don't disregard water softness as a suspect in the mystery. Harder water won't rinse the soap away nearly as well as soft water.

    Just a theory!
    That could be; I have extremely hard water.

    Good to see you back on the board, Ookla. A bit of useless trivia: Did you know the creators of Thundar chose Ookla from a phonetic pronunciation of UCLA?

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Croaker's Avatar
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    My brushes smell of the juniper in my L'Occitane soap, even when well rinsed and shaken out. Tucson has extremely hard water, so that could be a factor. I like the smell of clean scented badger! I can smell my hones when they are wet, too, but have a very sensitive nose and no longer smoke.

  9. #9
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Something wrong with your sniffer?


    My badger brushes smell . . . well . . . like clean hair.



  10. #10
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    My brush has a faint scent of cream/soap. I use something different nearly every day, so I can't narrow it down to one particular scent.

    If I leave my bathroom cabinet open for any period of time, the room will fill with the shaving scents. It will also last for some time. I've got a really small bathroom. Sometimes I leave the cabinet door open just to fill the room. And not just to hide other scents.

    Not all container are tight sealer, as you know. Tabac, L'occitane, Williams in a mug, Pre de Provence, etc. Just enough to make it pleasant when entering the room.


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