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01-08-2006, 10:06 AM #1
What is so special about Puma and Dubl Duck?
I don't really know why the puma and Dubl Duck razors are such favs. They do look cool. The puma seems to be more rare than other, correct? Do they actually shave better than the TI, Dovo, or W&B's etc.? I just don't know why they are so sought after...
Comments appreciated.
01-08-2006, 02:12 PM #2
Don't know about the Dubl Duck and I don't have a TI either but I have 2 pumas and I love the shaves. I have a 6/8 (Thanks Rich) and a 4/8 both are really great shavers. I guess other than that I don't know. But then other than that what matters?
01-08-2006, 03:55 PM #3
I think Lynn once eluded to the Dubl Ducks edge being better able to get and hold an edge. Perhaps a more maleable metal. Somehow the edge could extend to a greater sharpness without breaking.
01-08-2006, 04:25 PM #4
The Pumas and the DDs both seem to be made out of better steel than alot of my other razors. A few razor I have are equal to them, but none surpass them IMHO. I have a personal preference for the Pumas, I always get a great shave with them. That's not to say I don't get great shaves with the DDs, TIs and others. It just feels better shaving with the Pumas. (your welcome Rich)
01-08-2006, 05:05 PM #5
Also, I'll add in the mix (and hopefully some one will correct me if I'm mistaken) that it's not so much ALL the DD's that are so great... I believe it was just the Wonderedge that set the bar so high that few razors can compair. I do believe that is the favorite razor of our mentor Lynn.
Some of the DD's (like the Lifetime if memory serves me correct) were actually lacking in the quality shave department.
01-08-2006, 06:03 PM #6
My Dubl Duck is just a Special No. 1 and is the best steel I have (only got a half dozen or so). It does take a super keen edge pretty easily and holds it for a very long time. I HAD TO get other blades just so I could practice my new honing skills! I am getting some of my other razors up to where the DD is so it's not as if those others can't reach the same heights, they just take a teensy bit more work.
01-08-2006, 07:45 PM #7
Originally Posted by Kelly
01-09-2006, 03:54 AM #8
I have almost a full set of DDs and a couple pumas and they are superior shavers. Do they shave better than TIs for instance, probably not but when you factor in sharpness, ease of maintainance, comfort, balance, and all that I find the DDs consistantly out perform all my other razors and I have about 8 DDs and 6 TIs. Oh and the Pumas, they are great but I think the DDs are superior IMHO
No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
01-10-2006, 07:12 PM #9
I'm looking for...
and wanting to add a Dubl Duck to my inventory. Anyone have a Wonderedge they'd like to sell??
Let me know.
01-10-2006, 09:42 PM #10
Does anyone know if they made Pumas in 7/8??