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  1. #11
    Senior Member robertlampo's Avatar
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    Watch out man, she'll use that damn blade to cut off your attachments!!!

    Sleep on your stomach!!!


  2. #12
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    If you are hooked, then you are hooked. Get ready to make some very fun purchases

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I just don't understand why your giving this guy such bum dope, you trying to scare him off?

    Once he realizes all he needs are a couple of Eboy specials, a brush made of some specialized rat hair, some five and dime store cream, a bottle of old spice, an old leather belt for a stropp and a couple cheap vintage hones and he'll be set for life. I'd like to write more about this but I have to hone some more of my 40 or so straights!
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur
    I just don't understand why your giving this guy such bum dope, you trying to scare him off?

    Once he realizes all he needs are a couple of Eboy specials, a brush made of some specialized rat hair, some five and dime store cream, a bottle of old spice, an old leather belt for a stropp and a couple cheap vintage hones and he'll be set for life. I'd like to write more about this but I have to hone some more of my 40 or so straights!
    I learned a long time ago, if you have to ask, you already know the answer!
    One thing I do know...most men don't take time for themselves. This is a great opportunity to do just that. Enjoy the bankruptcy!!!


  5. #15
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    Short answer YES

    Long answer...I started out with an Ebay razor and I maintain it myself with my knife sharpening equipment. A whopping $20 at Walgreens bought me a boar bristle brush, a nice ceramic shaving bowl, a couple of soaps, a styptic pencil, and some nice after shave lotion. Stropping on linen I already have around the house and the grand total of my shaving expenses is around $50...

    Not bad when you consider the price of a 4 pack of Mach3 heads is around $8 and those new Fusions are almost $15 a pack!!!

    I'll be buying more razors as time goes by and I'm even talking to a well known knife maker about some custom work. The linen will be replaced with a proper leather strop one day...and eventually I'll buy a badger brush. Sure some of the gear is expensive but unless you're just OCD or loaded are you really going to buy a dozen of the $80-$200 badger brushes or just save for ONE? And the razors...well even if you DO spend a lot of dough on blades remember that many of them are collectible and might end up worth a bit of money later on...look at the Dubl Ducks...tell her they are an investment maybe she'll buy that.

    MY wife has always been confused by my knife fetish and so she just rolled her eyes at my new sharp thingy and commented on how old fashioned it was. She later recalled her original comment and swapped it for a comment on what a great shave it gives me. Besides, as you'll find out hanging around here, there are very few things a man can enjoy alone in peace and quiet to simply relax anymore. We don't do luxery these days like women do with their facials manicures and what-not. Next time she says she's going to have her nails done...go take thirty minutes and have a shave. These things are so sharp they'll take every hair off your face and all the stress off your mind all in one clean stroke.

  6. #16
    Senior Member vladsch's Avatar
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    Default Going to be?

    What do you mean going to be?

    I think you are already there.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vladsch
    What do you mean going to be?

    I think you are already there.
    hmm...well I did spend $250.00 this week on shaving stuff....but I dont plan on spending much more in the near future...of course two weeks ago I didnt plan on spending the $ who knows.

    I really hope to enjoy my shaves, and NOT spend a ton of money at once...I dont mind building up a collection over years though, as long as I can be reasonable about the costs.

  8. #18
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    Same here JL...but the worse thing for me is ,I haven't told my wife, I planned on it just showing up slowly in the bathroom.
    Valentines dinner came out to $250 per couple.
    Then last night she tells me we are taking our two little girls to Disney for the weekend for a surprise.....yeh well the surpise was on me,,,OUCH!
    There goes my secret stash. I really hope I see and feel the diffrence with the SR . Let us know when you get everything and give the details of the moment. I will follow you sometime after that.
    Last edited by nunz4; 02-16-2006 at 07:22 PM.

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