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  1. #1
    Library Marksmanship Unit Library Guy's Avatar
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    Default Square point: asset or liability?

    As I look at my vast collection of three razors, I note that they are all round points. I have to admit that I prefer the look of the square points.

    So, does that square point serve a useful purpose or is just there waiting to set a nose or ear a-dangling? More importantly, and for ego sake, is using a round point the equivalent of using training wheels?

    An inquiring (though botched) mind,

    LG Roy

  2. #2
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Library Guy
    So, does that square point serve a useful purpose or is just there waiting to set a nose or ear a-dangling? More importantly, and for ego sake, is using a round point the equivalent of using training wheels?

    LG Roy
    I have square french and round points. I have nicked my nose and ears with all three So so much for the training wheels. I prefer the round point but the rest are neat too. I think its more a matter of personal preference.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    If the round point is considered training wheels, bring 'em on! I pretty much know that I use a spike...I'm gonna bleed. I still don't have the focus down to keep up with both where the blade is shaving and where the end of the blade is. Maybe some day, but for now, I don't even use them.


  4. #4
    Senior Member wvbias's Avatar
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    LG Roy,

    I learned to shave with a Genco square point. I never had
    any problem at all. Just be careful and be mindful of the corner
    and you will do fine.

    As far as a round point being training wheels?.... Nah, your subject
    to a gusher with either. I've just been lucky.... so far.


  5. #5
      Lynn's Avatar
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    The square points are usually not a problem unless you get one of the longer blades like around 3 1/2 inches. You have to be really careful then that it doesn't dig in the cheek. Definitely mindful to keep the point angled away from the face unless using it around the ear or nose. Then you really need to be careful as well. Once you get used to them, they are fine. Lynn

  6. #6
    Senior Member JerseyLawyer's Avatar
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    Cool Training Wheels?!

    I don't know if there /is/ such a thing as training wheels when you're talking about holding a few inches of razor sharp steel up to your face, french point or not.

    I have mostly round points so far, and am quite fond of them, but I've nicked myself a few good ones when I wasn't careful about angle or whatnot. I think Lynn (as usual) is right on that you just have to keep the toe of the blade under control if you're using a spike.

  7. #7
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Default Doubtful But Wrong

    was I when I was looking for my first razor I wanted a roundpoint, just to give myself an edge, but the DD Special came first and I found it no problem on my first shave and never since either. The french point's good for that too, but I prefer the square point overall. Gets right up in there under my nose. Doesn't touch my ear on the upstroke. When the round point did that to me, brush my ear with the round, I panicked. I'm perfectly with the spike.


  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think the spike is great for getting real close around the ears and any spot you have to get close to. The down side is you have to watch your angle a little more carefully so you don't dig it into yourself. The only exception I've found is a case square point I have where the end actually flares out just a mm. It doesn't seem like much but it makes a real difference when shaving. I rarely use it because I almost always nick myself at some point in the shave. I guess I should use it more to master it instead of it mastering me.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #9
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    In all of my time shaving straight (less than two months) it has not even entered my mind. I use four razors and only the Puma is round. I am way to busy trying to keep the skinny edge under control.
    The width of the blade has played more of a role than the tip for me.

  10. #10
    Senior Member gglockner's Avatar
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    I pull my ears back out of the way after learning to drive with the square point first.


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