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  1. #11
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    I think there was some sort of fundraiser called "Mo-vember" during which you were supposed to grow a mustache. Yup, here it is.

    Thanks Phil for putting a name on that type of beard - the Hollywoodian. I thought about doing something like that once (uh... Wednesday, actually) but wound up shaving for a job interview today.

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  3. #12
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    Movember was actually started off in my own home town of Adelaide by a bunch of guys in a pub back in '99. Since then it's become huge in Australia with a lot of media attention, all for the goal of raising money for mens health and raising awareness of conditions such as prostate cancer.

    Movember is for mens health as the Worlds Greatest Shave is for cancer.

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  5. #13
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    The firearm deer season is one of two state holidays here. (The other is fishing opener.)

    There are lots of guys that don't shave from early October through mid-November to help stay warm in the cold temperatures while sitting outside all day.
    I've never bothered to grow a beard for hunting. I don't usually get that cold.

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  6. #14
    Tarantula Shaver thevez2's Avatar
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    Mustache March is very common in the Air Force, especially in flying units. Since we have to shave every day, but by regs we are allowed to have Mustaches, it is a friendly competition to see who can grow the most facial hair (on the upper lip) in a month. Funny thing is most married guys end up bailing out a week or two into it, due to pressure from SWMBO.

    A few units do No-shave November, but it is not as common.
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  7. #15
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Its called Mo-vember here as well, and its pretty popular. A lot of people do it, and you suddenly find that there is a plethora of goatees and stuff in the office...!

    I got asked to do it last year, but declined, citing my straight razor obsession! I fully support the charities, but I couldnt go a month without shaving...!

  8. #16
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnarchoPhil View Post
    I normally wear a beard anyway but I did that because shaving sucked. Now, it no longer sucks and I enjoy shaving. However, I grew fond of having a beard. I've been on the hunt to find a balance between a beard and shaving and I believe that I've found it in a style called the "Hollywoodian". That's what I am wearing now though the beard isn't that full... yet.
    so what does a hollywoodian look like?

  9. #17
    Senior Member claytor's Avatar
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    My friends call it Moustache March. Pretty self-explanatory process for March.

    Here in parts of Vermont it's not too uncommon to see people growing beards for the winter season to keep the face warm and shave in the summer.

  10. #18
    Senior Member Muirtach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stubear View Post
    Its called Mo-vember here as well, and its pretty popular. A lot of people do it, and you suddenly find that there is a plethora of goatees and stuff in the office...!

    I got asked to do it last year, but declined, citing my straight razor obsession! I fully support the charities, but I couldnt go a month without shaving...!
    It is just a mustache. Still plenty of shaving. I actually participated in Movember this last year and had a blast. Enough so that I actually haven't shaved the Mo off yet and plan on recording the removal of the whole darn thing come November 1st this year and doing it all again.

  11. #19
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    Actually most people who do it (as far as I know) don't shave at all for the month. For high school and college kids it's part competition to see who can grow the most in a month and part experimentation with how they would look with a beard. Mustache March is the only one I thought did just a mustache.

  12. #20
    Senior Member Muirtach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stylus View Post
    Actually most people who do it (as far as I know) don't shave at all for the month. For high school and college kids it's part competition to see who can grow the most in a month and part experimentation with how they would look with a beard. Mustache March is the only one I thought did just a mustache.
    Movember is a bit different than No-shave November. It is an organized event with prizes and such for high-fundraisers. Local groups get prize packages to distribute and such as well. Actually a lot of fun if you organize a group and plan events. For example we had different bars with special drinks all month long and a buck from each sale given to the team. Movie nights and parties at the bars helped add to the coffers. Bowling night as bowling goes hand in hand with silly mustaches.

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