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  1. #1
    Member Stylus's Avatar
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    Default Thoughts on "No-Shave November"

    Ok, so I'm hoping at least a few people here know about this tradition. For those who don't it's pretty self explanatory: you don't shave at all for November.

    The way I've always seen it done is shaving on October 31st to get a clean start and seeing how much you can grow in a month. Granted I'm not too far out of high school where a halfway decent goatee is something to brag about, but it was still a bit of a contest.

    I'm curious to see what people here, who tend to obsess over shaving have to say about it. Or better yet, to discover if anyone here participates. I've done it the past couple of years but now that I'm making the switch to straights I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick it out the whole month.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Your a brave guy preaching that here.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stylus View Post
    Ok, so I'm hoping at least a few people here know about this tradition. For those who don't it's pretty self explanatory: you don't shave at all for November.

    The way I've always seen it done is shaving on October 31st to get a clean start and seeing how much you can grow in a month. Granted I'm not too far out of high school where a halfway decent goatee is something to brag about, but it was still a bit of a contest.

    I'm curious to see what people here, who tend to obsess over shaving have to say about it. Or better yet, to discover if anyone here participates. I've done it the past couple of years but now that I'm making the switch to straights I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick it out the whole month.
    It's a college phenomenon, as far as I know. Definitely not worth spreading to the culture at large... a whole world of scuzzy men for a month? Blech!

  4. #4
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Heh - I'm with thebigspendur. For the first time in my life (more than 40 years of shaving) I actually love and look forward to shaving every day. I won't go two days without shaving unless I'm so sick I can't stand in front of the sink.

    It takes me ten days of not shaving until I can put a comb in my beard and have it stay there without falling to the floor. That's all I ever needed to know and now it's irrelevant because I LOVE TO SHAVE EVERY DAY!!!
    Morty -_-
    Last edited by Morty; 06-12-2010 at 01:37 AM. Reason: Fix typo.

  5. #5
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    I'm curious as to how much effect it has with some HS students. I recall just after I graduated, my best friend said to me one day, all smiles, "Notice anything different?" I didn't and he proudly announced, "I shved my moustache off!" I hated to tell him but his upper lip was more BBS than I have ever gotten with any shave!

  6. #6
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    That was funny LeadDuck. I've only heard on No Shave November recently. I myself don't shave when I go up to the mountains, as for a snowboarding trip, or when I go Dear Hunting. Those events can happen for me in the month of November, but it's obvious why I wouldn't shave at those times and places. At sea level, I hate my facial hair, and therefore shave to my Heart's content.

  7. #7
    Senior Member AnarchoPhil's Avatar
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    I normally wear a beard anyway but I did that because shaving sucked. Now, it no longer sucks and I enjoy shaving. However, I grew fond of having a beard. I've been on the hunt to find a balance between a beard and shaving and I believe that I've found it in a style called the "Hollywoodian". That's what I am wearing now though the beard isn't that full... yet.

  8. #8
    Member Stylus's Avatar
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    I thought it was just a high school/college thing too, but last November I heard on some sports radio show something about some NFL players participating. That's part of why I was curious.

    I didn't expect to find many (if any) people here that would break away from their shaves for a whole month.

    About the questionable effect of a month without shaving on high schoolers, you'd be surprised. I wasn't able to really grow anything worth growing until I was a senior, but there were a couple guys who ended with a beard that would make a logger proud.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Jimbo7's Avatar
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    we did it in college and we called it Novembeard. Then later, Moustache March!

  10. #10
    Member Stylus's Avatar
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    I've heard of Novembeard too, I think it varies from place to place.

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