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Thread: Gillette Safety Razors
03-31-2006, 05:45 AM #11
I gave up on shaving with blades when I was 16. The disposables were killing me with ingrown hairs. Tried my great-uncle's Gilette DE with similar results.Used a Braun for 8 years and a Philips for about 2 years. So when I decided to try shaving with a straight, I was very concerned and decided to go cheap. However, I got decent shaves with an Islamabad-"Solingen" honed on Japanese chisel hones (still 4k/8k) and no in-growns. That's why I decided to invest more in straight-razor shaving now that I know it can be done.
03-31-2006, 05:58 AM #12
of slight note i should mention before i do the against the grain pass with the DE i do 3 passes with the straight, with, cross, reverse cross, so it doesnt treat my skin very bad at all. (in truth i actually do parts of the against with my straight, being the neck and cheeks, i just dont trust my technique yet for the goat-T region against but in good time i hope!)
edit- sorry for sending this off topic a bit
03-31-2006, 07:52 AM #13
Safety razors for sale
ok guys thank you for your interest, to let you know Im at work right now off the coast of Norway on a semi-submersible drilling rig for the next two weeks so I will be unable to furnish you with pictures, for that I apologise.
I dont know how to work e-bay as a seller so i thought that this place would be perfect for putting the word around amongst friends as I have made a few on here so for those of you I have spoken to by telephone I hope you dont mind me calling you new friends, and that includes messaging...
Right now down to business, i will be honest with you all, i really dont know much about the value of these things and I suppose I have a basic value in mind, forgive me if I research a little, one thing I am not is dishonest and Im not out to rob anyone so I suppose i will be open to offers, i will take pictures of them and post them in the gallery and so best offer I guess will be the way to go but im not going to wait to start a bidding war, so first come first serve also.
So there you are guys, thats me, so if you can bear with me till i get home I will be happy to sort you out...
many thanks again, coully
03-31-2006, 02:25 PM #14
Don't worry dude. This is a friendly place and I'm sure you'll get decent value out of them from interested members. At the same time, your babies will end up in the homes of real shaving enthusiasts. A win-win situation.
04-01-2006, 07:17 AM #15
Well FireStart I agree with you and I hope that some of these razors find a good home with interested members, i have a question though what is DE when refering to a razor?
Cant wait to get home and place these razors in the gallery, and i look forward to hearing from you all when i return...
04-01-2006, 07:48 AM #16
Originally Posted by coully
DE simply means Double Edge razor.
04-05-2006, 03:57 PM #17
Looking forward to seeing the photos -- and maybe even helping you thin the herd!
04-11-2006, 03:52 AM #18
homeward bound
hey guys just to let you know my two week tour over here is almost done and I cant wait to get home...unfortunately my route home sucks...but hey, you cant have it all!!!
I will post pictures asap so that at least you can have a look at them and if nothing else let me know what I have...or havent got.
Thanks to all you guys who have shown interest and I look forward to hearing from you....
04-15-2006, 05:21 PM #19
am home and pics are up
my de razors are up in the gallery, coullys razors, or search for safetyrazorsforsale, hope you all see something you like, gimme a shout and i can give you the low-down on them.
regards coully