the thought ot using a straight razor tends to strike fear in the hearts of anyone i mention it to. I've been using nothing but a straight nwo for about 7 weeks and have only had minor nicks and bloodspots. In my very limmitted experiance it seems that really hurting oneself woudl take some effort or somethign like somone causeing the shaver to jump.

I did a google search about straight razors and accidents but could find nothing.

Does anyone here know of anyone that has had a serious accident with a straight, something that resulted in scaring or a trip to the hopsital or anything like that?
I found one poster on shavemyface that mentioned tryinga straight once and having a trip to the ER, thus far that is the only story i have heard.

I am jsut curious if anyone knows of any serious accidnts and how they may have happened.