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Thread: what are your thoughts on method shaving?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    yeah.. that guy is nuts.. but i do enjoy his videos at times..

  2. #12
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    I guess Whisky and Straights do go hand in hand... at least at his house...

  3. #13
    Hot Pies & Lardy Cake Evin's Avatar
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    The only problem with the shave is he was drinking Bells whisky that means he'll have ringing in his ears in the morning.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Slamthunderide's Avatar
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    Wow I think the Guy needs put down the meth pipe he's speeding along at mach 6+. The Drill Instructors didn't eveny make us shave that fast in Boot Camp. We got 10 mins. to S*#@ shower and shave. He needs to slow down before he blows a gasket::

  5. #15
    Hot Pies & Lardy Cake Evin's Avatar
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    Looking at the guys other vids I would say he has issues and opinions that I certainly do not agree with. there's alot of crazy people out there.

  6. #16
    Junior Member LoungeBear's Avatar
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    Default Charles Roberts

    Actually I met him about a year or two ago. His shop is here in Austin, TX. A friend and I were both tired of Mach III shaving and started looking around in the world of wet shaving. Charles' shop seemed to be the only place in the Austin area that was staffed with people who knew anything about helping a newbie start. Well, we went in and proceeded to talk with Charles for almost three hours about everything from prep to different DE blades, to the razors to brushes, to how he made his soap. Yes he makes his own. He is very ... intense about what he does. In the end we each bought a Merkur DE ($45) and a pack of blades ($3). We had already bought a brush and some shave cream elsewhere. Still he gave us a fairly sizable brick of soap as a sample, about 3"x3"x1",(his soap is awesome by the way) a bottle of his activator and buffer solution, which to be fair I still haven't figured out how to use, he even gave us a free pack of feather blades. We didn't buy Feathers, he suggested we start with something less aggressive and try the feathers after a week or two, still a total hook up. He even gave us a free pass for a straight shave at a local barbers.

    So I'm rambling, I'll wrap it up. In a shop where you can get 150 grams of homemade shave soap for $4.95 (in comparison the MWF soap is $19.99 for 120g), he'll steer you towards a $10 shave cloth instead of the $600 super silvertip brush on the shelf behind it, you also get a guy who is very knowledgeable, passionate, and willing to teach a couple noobs about what he does for a living.

    Just felt like someone should stick up for the good people.

    p.s. I've seen the videos he posted, I've also seen him do it live and it scares the crap out of me.
    dexter90723 likes this.

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  8. #17
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    I can't begin to describe how I feel after watching those videos. What was with that one guy, making up names for himself? "second form" " "primer" "Go! Go! Go!" etc?
    The second video of the Englishman was a little less slipshot. At least he had some Sex Pistols on the background.

  9. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Whenever people start talking about systems and buying into the whole enchilada I usually head for the hills.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #19
    Senior Member Str8nDE4RAD's Avatar
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    WOW those videos are ridiculous. The first one is so messy that it makes me not believe anything the guy is saying.

    He looked ridiculous with that stuff (not sure if it was real lather or whip cream) all over his face, I couldn't take him serious. I think the DE had no blade in it with the ridiculous speed he was using, he should have sliced himself up going like that.

    The second guy with the wiskey is just plain scarry. Holly crap.

  11. #20
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    No offense to anyone, but my thoughts are that this doesn't interest me at all. I'm not going to call it BS because there is lots out there that I don't know, and even more I haven't heard of. The reason I reject this is because my current "method" gets me all the performance I could ask for, and isn't nearly as complicated, redundant, or laden with proprietary jargon.

    Take it or leave it, that's my thought on this.

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