quite positive this has been discussed several time before.. but i couldn't find anything with the search feature.. and i figured a poll would be fun..

when do you prefer to shave? i figure every time of the day has it's benefits.. but ultimately.. we all decide on one.. here's how it breaks down for me..

morning shave: mainly just a nice thing to wake up to and it does wake you up. you start the day doing something you love and take on your day with fresh face.. i enjoy it.. but not as much as the others..

afternoon shave: i fell in love with the afternoon shave during the summer.. i'd wait till high noon and do a nice "cold water shave" with c.o. bigelow and finish it up with some refrigerated witch hazel.. i had planned on getting some of that glacial alcolado stuff or some osage rub.. but never got around to it.. maybe next summer..

nighttime shave: this is my preferred shave time.. i work all day with children and having snot wiped on me or sticky candy stuck to me is a regular thing.. i play all day and at the end of the day.. i'm exhausted, dirty, and overly in need of some me time.. so after all children are asleep... i take a long hot shower, drink a few stella, and enjoy a nice enjoyable shave.. after my day.. there is nothing quite as enjoyable as crawling into bed smelling of bay rum or old spice..

although i enjoy shaving whenever i can.. my vote goes for the nighttime shave.