I just won 2 auctions with W&B razors. Even though the one in the 3-item listing: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?...MEWN%3AIT&rd=1 is exactly what I wanted (even if it takes a good deal of work to restore), the price on the other listing was too irresistable for me to pass up on: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...MEWN%3AIT&rd=1

Nenad, X and Vlad already gave me their expert opinions on the batch of 3, but comments from the rest of you gentlemen are most welcome.

I really can't afford any of these, and I may be re-selling the Boker (probably display only) and the Walker, but the W&Bs had my brain fuddled. This time, I promise that these are my last razor acquisitions for at least 3 years. (this is the cue for Nenad to start laughing)

P.S. I did tell the seller that the box said Cutlery Solingen and that it did not come with the razor. I also advised her to include the blade width in future razor auctions.