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  1. #21
    Senior Member gfoster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FUD
    Nah, I don't expect them to do ANYthing that would make them legally liable for their services
    Nah, just looks like a simple case of someone who simply can't be bothered to protect themselves OR attempt to amicably resolve an unsatisfactory situation and would rather stand around and throw rocks and blame someone else for their issues instead.

    -- Gary F.

  2. #22
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think all of us who use Eboy to any extent have run into this situation and if you haven't you will sooner or later.

    Remember as with anything sold on Eboy the people doing the selling are not experts just people selling some old junk. A small nick in the edge may be a big deal to us but not to them. As the experts we have to ask the right questions prior to bidding.

    I had bought a C-mon that was advertised in like new condition, never used or honed and it wasn't but there was a small nick in the blade. Luckily I was able to hone it out and its a surperb shaver. I just e-mailed the seller and let her know and gave her a 2 paragraph crash course on straights. She apologized and thanked me and offered to take it back. I left her positive feedback.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #23
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Good point. As a datafeed for you'all. I NEVER ask if there are nicks in the blade. Either I see them or I don't. If the pic isn't good enough, don't buy it. I ASSUME the edge has nicks. Thats why I buy hones. If you do ask if it has nicks, don't forget to also ask how they assessed that. If its visible to the naked eye, its huge.

  4. #24
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfoster
    Nah, just looks like a simple case of someone who simply can't be bothered to protect themselves OR attempt to amicably resolve an unsatisfactory situation and would rather stand around and throw rocks and blame someone else for their issues instead.

    -- Gary F.

    Did I say you suck? No, I said ebay sUx0r, light heartedly at that (in case you don't understand web slang). Don't get your gander up dude. You're only proving the point.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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    I am very careful about leaving negative feedback. I did it once and got a retaliatory negative even though I instantly paid. In this case, I would discuss the matter with the seller and leave a positive or no feedback if you are satisfied with her answer.

  6. #26
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11
    Good point. As a datafeed for you'all. I NEVER ask if there are nicks in the blade. Either I see them or I don't. If the pic isn't good enough, don't buy it. I ASSUME the edge has nicks. Thats why I buy hones. If you do ask if it has nicks, don't forget to also ask how they assessed that. If its visible to the naked eye, its huge.

    That is very sensible. I also do not bid on razors with fuzzy pix's. I will take the chance that I am passing up a real winner, as I am more likely passing up a damaged blade. If it looks like a rose and smells like a rose most times it's a rose....

  7. #27
    Senior Member gfoster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FUD
    Did I say you suck? No, I said ebay sUx0r, light heartedly at that (in case you don't understand web slang). Don't get your gander up dude. You're only proving the point.
    You picked this fight, not me. I'm just not rolling over. When you slander my workplace, you slander the thousands of people that I work with, am friends with, and those same people are the ones working very long hours and sometimes seven days a week to try and make the eBay experience as smooth as possible while still staying *within the laws*. We fight cheats and scam artists all day every day and sometimes it's like trying to sweep the tide back with a broom... then you come in here with guns blazing and making sweeping condemnations of all their work and efforts. I'm sorry if I don't find that "lighthearted" or "funny". In fact, I find it downright nasty and mean spirited. Whether you meant it or not doesn't matter, the end result is what matters.

    If you want to debate courteously and respectfully about some of the issues and problems with eBay, start out that way instead of coming out with guns blazing. In addition, if you want to talk about problems with *eBay* confine it to things that *eBay* is actually responsible for and can improve (and yes there are plenty) instead trying to make them responsible for crappy sellers and people who spend all day trying to cheat the system.

    And just for the record, just like I told you in the PM I responded to (and let me reiterate here)... I'm not taking issue with *you* in the least, and I don't have a problem with *you* as long as you don't make this any more personal than it's already gotten. I'd gladly share a homebrew with you and swap lies, but I *will* take umbrage to your words and I *will* defend myself and my friends when they are slandered and attacked.

    -- Gary F.

  8. #28
    Knife & Razor Maker Joe Chandler's Avatar
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    Not to hijack the thread or anything, but for every bad seller, there's a good one. Case in point is rarori...I won a razor from this seller on ebay. The razor was fine; exactly as described, but the seller advertised as shipping via priority mail, and charged $6. When I got the razor, it was mailed 1st class, which cost $.87. I contacted the seller, and told her I thought that was a little dishonest, but that since the razor was fine, she'd still get positive feedback. She contacted me back, and apologized, and refunded $4.20 of the shipping cost. Now, it really doesn't get more honest and forthright than that in my book. Most of the time, problems can be resolved if you'll just contact the seller. Most of them are decent folks, but aren't experts in what they're selling. I think eBay is a great service, but you have to be careful about the business you do. I've stopped buying from sellers who don't accept returns, and who don't accept paypal (paypal keeps a record of my transaction, which is handy for dispute least you have something that showed you paid, and don't have to rely on the honesty of the U.S. Postal Service.)

  9. #29
    Senior Member Korndog's Avatar
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    Default ebay fan

    I LOVE eBay

    I bought a pool pump for 175.00 that my guy wanted 300.00 + installation for. I bought a new taillight for my truck for 65.00 that the dealer wanted 350.00 for.
    That's $400.00 real after tax dollars I saved by using eBay. I go there first for everything.

  10. #30
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Smile Pandora's Box

    Please read the following carefully and completely before becoming emotional. Please ... there is method to my madness.

    Quote Originally Posted by gfoster
    You picked this fight, not me.
    Actually, I was just reading over the thread and it was you who picked the fight. FUD just expressed his opinion. (Remember please, read carefully and completely BEFORE becoming emotional)

    Quote Originally Posted by gfoster
    When you slander my workplace, you slander the thousands of people that I work with, am friends with
    That never happened. FUD never said "everybody at eBay blows dogs" or anything like that. His comment was very general. So much so that you easily misinterpereted it. THAT is what HAS happened. Impartial observer here.

    Quote Originally Posted by gfoster
    We fight cheats and scam artists all day every day and sometimes it's like trying to sweep the tide back with a broom...
    It seems you agree with him. It's not his job so he doesn't have to deal with it. He has the right to say he doesn't like it. Not you or your mates. That never happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by gfoster
    Whether you meant it or not doesn't matter, the end result is what matters.
    NO! Intent matters. Ask the judge. Otherwise people can keep defending themselves with "He's looking at me!" Remember that shoolyard childishness?

    So he doesn't like eBay. So What! you're entitled to your opinion and he's entitled to his. It's just an opinion. Some people don't like Shakespeare, but I don't attack them for it. Interpreting things which aren't there is blowing things out of proportion here. I'm not taking FUD's side. I'm on the side of logical, rational thought. You can hold on to your offenses and cradle them to you if you want, but you'd just be nurturing hatred within yourself, ie. hurting yourself. Why bother, especially when no offense is intended.

    You've responded as though you were pesonally attacked, by personally attacking FUD. Say you didn't if you like, but that's what you did and no he didn't start it, he expressed himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by gfoster
    working very long hours and sometimes seven days a week to try and make the eBay experience as smooth as possible while still staying *within the laws*. We fight cheats and scam artists all day every day and sometimes it's like trying to sweep the tide back with a broom.
    If you had started here we could be having an enlightened discussion at this point, not engaging in damage controll.

    Let's be grown-ups. The gentlemanly qualities which we have been successful in encouraging are what we appreciate about coming here. Don't ruin it for others. Here's what I suggest:
    1. Take a deep breath and calm down
    2. Everybody take a deep breath and think about how you might be out of line. You too FUD. There's enough here to go around.
    3. Shake hands or kiss and make up or say you're sorry or whatever the internet equivalent is and let's move on.

    Nobody's getting anywhere with all these misinterpretations.

    That's it. I've said my peace. The reasonable will take it to heart. The ridiculous will not.

    I'm walking away now before somebody takes a swing at me for trying to break it up. I won't be back on this thread so don't offer any admonishments to me. I won't see them. Don't send me PM's about this, I won't read them. Everything you need to set yourself free of this anguish has been said. Try not to talk about me behind my back. It doesn't hurt me, but it hurts you.

    With sincerity and care for all my straight shaving brothers,


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