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  1. #1
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    Default Discrimination and Prejudice against Straight shaving

    Does any of you feel that there is some certain discrimination and/or prejudice against Straight shaving? Do you feel embarrassed to talk about it and feel that the world looks down like we are some sort of weirdos? My co-worker caught me surfing SRP and looking at some shaving videos. We were in a discussion of straight shaving and me being very enthusiastic and eager thought to share all that I know about straight shaving. However his reaction was a bit uncomfortable like I made a social faux pas and like I'm in a cult or clan and straight shaving is suppose to be for "old timers".
    This is not the first time where I have found this to be challenging, Im always on a look out for straight razors, hones etc and many times people have given me the weird eye.

    Do you guys feel the same way, and feel that there is a certain attitude of the society when it comes to straight shaving?

    Im sorry if I have touched on an uncomfortable subject, or posted in the wrong category but I rather clarify if its just me or everyone else who feels this way.

  2. #2
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Not that I really care what anyone thinks about how I shave, most guys that I've talked to about it think it's pretty cool (at least 70%).

  3. #3
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    I'm with rodb. I've never fielded questions by anyone who wasn't very fascinated. People view my straight shaving as almost a show of gentlemanly pursuits that is too skillful for their mortal faces.

    On the other hand, I watch shaving videos in private. I could see how people would weirded out by that!

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    actually i am proud of myself .

  5. #5
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
    actually i am proud of myself .
    I feel the same about myself too. I'll never have to buy razor blades or cartridges again or fill land fills with disposables if I choose not to, and I can bring 150 year old razors back to life with hones.

  6. #6
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I think that is why they rioted Egypt.

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  8. #7
    Senior Member Skippy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodb View Post
    I feel the same about myself too. I'll never have to buy razor blades or cartridges again or fill land fills with disposables if I choose not to, and I can bring 150 year old razors back to life with hones.
    Yes, that's another good point. People are impressed when I show them a vintage straight.

  9. #8
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timedwards View Post
    I'm with rodb. I've never fielded questions by anyone who wasn't very fascinated. People view my straight shaving as almost a show of gentlemanly pursuits that is too skillful for their mortal faces.

    On the other hand, I watch shaving videos in private. I could see how people would weirded out by that!

    +1 On the private viewing of shave videos!!

  10. #9
    Senior Member Skippy's Avatar
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    The reaction I get is, I guess you could call it a scared admiration. People think I'm brave for using such a "dangerous" tool.

  11. #10
    Senior Member jleeg's Avatar
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    I'm in the "don't care what others think of SR shaving" camp. Easier for me to get insulted about other things!

    BUT, this post caught my eye because I had been thinking about the prejudice that some SR shavers have and how easily certain practices and schools of thought are dismissed.

    For example, there are floppy brush lovers and those that relegate such flopsters to the back of the bus. I would think that we who use SRs would be very open-minded to different practices rather than as closed to suggestions as some (few) posts suggest.

    Cold vs hot; scuttle vs bowl vs face lathering; wiping the blade vs rinsing; boar vs badger vs best badger vs better best badger; pasted COx vis diamond vs horse vs latigo. Viva la diference.

    I have vowed to be open minded and have been rewarded. That Kent brush...OMG..floppy yet deliciously delightful to run over my face. And at the same time that very stiff Simpson.....cuts the soap and a real work horse. Love the coticule but I've been taught to get good results on the bargain basement stones as well.

    There are enough talented people here who achieve remarkable results having figured out various formula. I'm not prone to dismiss any school of thought because of prejudice. And not only that, I'm going to, from time to time, go out of my way to see what y'all are raving about that I may not have tried.

    Not meaning to make this a metaphor for life in general; but as I turn 60 I find myself more likely to sample what life has to offer rather than allow my shorts to get twisted. You know I thought I hated rap music...but I listened to BB King rap with Heavy D.....the Blues King asks D to walk him through it....because "Lucille never did no rapping before." Not my favorite genre...but I now cannot say that I can't like rap.

    Oh well, don't through me out of the club. As I said, viva la difference and best to all.

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