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Thread: How to cope with my RAD..(in regards to my loved ones)

  1. #1
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    Default How to cope with my RAD..(in regards to my loved ones)

    I have bad RAD.. i have spend about $270 on razors (not including shaving creams and other wet shaving needs) within the past month and my girlfriend and family are so confused with my addiction.. how should i tame it?? I LOVE STRAIGHT RAZORS.. am i crazy? Also.. how should i explain it to my loved ones? My father (who is 54) is flabbergasted that i shave like his dad.. (he uses Gillette shaving creams and blades) thanks yall!
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  2. #2
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Well, I live alone and within the bounds of the law and local customs, I pretty much do as I please, sorry I know that's no help to you at all.
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  3. #3
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyace View Post
    Well, I live alone and within the bounds of the law and local customs, I pretty much do as I please, sorry I know that's no help to you at all.
    lol. thanks for reading the post though!
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  4. #4
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    $270?? I'm afraid that you haven't even begun to start RAD. :-) :-) Before long you will have 25+ razors, 5+ strops, and a pile of hones with names you can't pronounce. Have your father try one of your straights --- once he's hooked, he'll understand. When RAD catches him, you can "borrow" his straights on occasion, thereby saving you money in the long run.

  5. #5
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diyguy View Post
    $270?? I'm afraid that you haven't even begun to start RAD. :-) :-) Before long you will have 25+ razors, 5+ strops, and a pile of hones with names you can't pronounce. Have your father try one of your straights --- once he's hooked, he'll understand. When RAD catches him, you can "borrow" his straights on occasion, thereby saving you money in the long run.
    I really hope i can get him into it, its just he is a really stubborn older Hispanic gentleman. lol

  6. #6
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    You can go with the 'ol 'things could be worse' routine a couple of times:

    "Hi honey/dad/whoever, hey listen I've just been in a car accident and I'm on my way to the emergency room.... well the car is completely totaled and I broke my leg in two places..... no, no one else was hurt..... nah not really, i just spent another $XXX.XX on razors that's all..... the car is fine...."

    Be creative, make it a good one though, won't work more that twice at the outside.

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  7. #7
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    One way to help your RAD is to determine which style of blade is your favourite. In the beginning, I began grabbing any blade that looked I could try everything. Now, I've determined my favourite grind, width, and point. I still look for others to restore and pass off, but now for my own collection, I've limited my purchases to what I like.

    My loved ones did not understand this hobby/obsession at the beginning. Everyone thought it was strange. Now, people seem to think it's kind of cool, and leave me to my own. I still have some close friends who don't get it, buy I really don't care. Your loved one....they should be the ones who notice that this collection is making you happy, and then support it.

    That's my two cents.
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  9. #8
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxi View Post
    One way to help your RAD is to determine which style of blade is your favourite. In the beginning, I began grabbing any blade that looked I could try everything. Now, I've determined my favourite grind, width, and point. I still look for others to restore and pass off, but now for my own collection, I've limited my purchases to what I like.

    My loved ones did not understand this hobby/obsession at the beginning. Everyone thought it was strange. Now, people seem to think it's kind of cool, and leave me to my own. I still have some close friends who don't get it, buy I really don't care. Your loved one....they should be the ones who notice that this collection is making you happy, and then support it.

    That's my two cents.
    THANKS TO YOU, AND ALL OF YALL FOR THE HELP! i really appreciate it. =]

  10. #9
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vvti714 View Post
    I have bad RAD.. i have spend about $270 on razors (not including shaving creams and other wet shaving needs) within the past month and my girlfriend and family are so confused with my addiction.. how should i tame it?? I LOVE STRAIGHT RAZORS.. am i crazy?
    You should explain to them that straight razors are commodities and that commodities are doing better than the dollar is. So you are protecting their future everytime you buy a straight razor
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  11. #10
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    You just spent a measly $270 on your loved ones! I really don't think you care enough about your razors.

    Just push those annoying whiny types who think you should be spending your money on unimportant stuff like food or rent out of your life so you can spend more time and money with your one true love.
    vvti713 likes this.

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