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Thread: Razor didn't pass customs :(

  1. #31
    I shave with Occam's Razor hamilton946's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerrybyers View Post
    I usually try to keep the description to a minimum, maybe put "personal effects."
    Dovo has what they call a Pro Forma Invoice which they had filled out, that was attached to the email they sent with instructions on returns. And it specifically mentions the contents of the package as a razor. This is to get it through their customs. Again, my feeling is that it never made it out of Chicago.

  2. #32
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Btw, shipping time can vary wildly for some reason.
    I've had it where 2 similar packages were sent to me from within the US. One arrived in 7 to 8 days, and the other took 3 weeks.
    These days, when I mail something to the US, I tell the recipient that it will take between 1 and 2 weeks, with 3 weeks being the worst case scenario.
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  3. #33
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    The mail in my area has been great. But if you're having trouble where you live try UPS or Fedex. I'm pretty sure UPS ships internationally. When I lived in Germany, UPS had a big operation there.

  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You never know with the post office,The only way to ship anything of value with them is registerd mail,Thats what I use for watches.
    Express,Priority, is a crap shoot sometimes,I sent some tungsol vac tubes to a guy in L.A.,overnight express,Took two weeks to go 500 miles from me.
    Sent a french marble clock to Alaska,snail mail, they said 3 weeks,guy calls me the next day and says,Dude,great clock, thx,took less than 24 hrs.

  5. #35
    Senior Member hornm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hamilton946 View Post
    Dovo has what they call a Pro Forma Invoice which they had filled out, that was attached to the email they sent with instructions on returns. And it specifically mentions the contents of the package as a razor. This is to get it through their customs. Again, my feeling is that it never made it out of Chicago.

    Actually the Pro Forma invoice is for both customs agencies. The US to help make sure you aren't sending anything out of the country that you shouldn't and Germany to make sure nothing is coming in that shouldn't, Plus taxes fees etc.

    As for the US mail delivering Damaged/opened packages. They have to. (this is a really LOOSE quote) "as long as the package (no mention of contents) is still in a deliverable state (technically you could end up with nothing more than an address label) then the USPS is obligated to deliver said parcel".

    I know a little about the proforma stuff and the US mail workings as I run the shipping office (FedEx/UPS) at the med school here in PDX and also assist with the Central Mail service on campus as well since my supervisor is in charge of both.


  6. #36
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    Crossing my fingers - I won two Ebay bids for razors coming to the US from England - hope they don't arrive empty!

  7. #37
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Here are another two examples. Mikael shipped me a Filly, in a similar pouch from Sweden which arrived in 5 days. I shipped several hats to Grant in Australia on 10/7/2011, and they have yet to arrive. Go figure.
    I was informed that the package arrived in AU today. 4 full weeks, 28 days. Wow!!!
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  8. #38
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by U2Bono269 View Post
    I've been having AWFUL issues with my mail. I have had a total of 6 bills un-received in the past calendar year, which has (due partly to my own fault in not being proactive about it) resulted in hefty late fees. One was a local borough tax bill that I wasn't even aware I had to pay that accrued for 3 years because I never received the bills!! The tax is $9 annually, but because I never received the bills they charged me $250. I never even received the collection notices despite the fact that they have my proper address. My past three credit card bills specifically have simply not arrived at my house...I know I have another one due soon but I'll be damned if I know how much to pay, and good luck getting those people on the phone to tell you. Packages that should arrive in 2 or 3 days take a week or more. I live around Philadelphia, so it's not like I'm in the boonies or anything.

    Over the summer my wife ordered some paper and cardboard items for our daughter's first birthday. The box came looking like it was run was a heavy cardboard box that was crushed and punctured, with no notice as to why or anything. It takes a lot of force to damage a box like that! Luckily the stuff inside was ok, somehow. Magazines we get are often creased and smashed. I have complained to the local post office but they don't seem to care. It's really the point that when I order things I get worried about whether or not I'll get them. I just bought some stuff from The Superior Shave, and it should be here soon, but I have a feeling I'm going to be waiting for a while...and I'll probably have a damaged box when it arrives.
    I have worked for the post office in the past in the Philadelphia area and still have some friends working in it and the have been telling me that they recently changed over to a new sorting system for magazines/ anything this size and small parcels. Essential it has taking sorting any mail out of the hands of carries and some other people. From what they have told me this has been causing mail to go to the wrong locations a lot. Meaning it then has to be shipped back to the sort facility and reshipped to the right location. Also the sort machines are not always gentle with packages.

    When I was working for them they had this same system from just letters and there would be days where large section of routes I was delivering wouldn't get any letter mail do to a miss sort.

    Also what was said about if a piece of mail is damaged and the address is still legible the post office does have to deliver the piece. A lot of times they will put it in a special envelope for that. Last week I got a Woodstock catalog front page and back page that way.

  9. #39
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    What I don't get is anyone using those flimsy paper or bubble/polly mailers for shipping out razors. That's just plain looking for trouble. Use a carton or corrugated box/mailer and that's one problem less. I just received one of those paper mailers a few days ago and the scales of the razor were broken. I've had instances where I received those shipments where the paper mailer was teared and taped back by the PO. Even received them teared with the razor coffin nearly sticking out. For years I have used carton boxes and never had one issue. Shipping out or coming my way.
    dave5225 likes this.

  10. #40
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When it comes to shipping always expect the worst so insurance and overpacking is always important.

    Every business has it's thieves and crooks and if you're the unlucky one, well...

    My great example is when Fedex delivered my son's high end computer to the wrong house and accepted the improper signature for it's delivery. Luckily the person was honest. If they went back hours later to reclaim it the resident could have said computer? What computer are you talking about?
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