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Thread: Does your man shave your legs?
04-06-2012, 10:55 PM #31
Sorry, babe, but I'm already honing and stropping your blades. The least you do is wield 'em yourself.
04-06-2012, 10:58 PM #32
04-10-2012, 03:55 AM #33
I have begged my wife to let me shave her legs... She just laughs at me. When I dug in my heels in one day and ranted on about the benefits she would gain from letting me do so she smiled, looked me square in the eyes and stated, “Hon, your whole shaving thing is your thing and to be honest I have been inspired! I threw out my 5 yr old Bick and just bought a new one.”
What the…
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Speedster (04-10-2012)
04-10-2012, 03:53 PM #34
I shave my wife's legs and she liked it.
It seems that this "privilege" is rare, no? I see many useres willing to do it, but it scares the wifes away.
I guess I'm lucky, then.
04-10-2012, 04:41 PM #35
I have successfully converted my gf to DE! Now I just need to get her interested in using shaving brushes/soaps
04-10-2012, 05:40 PM #36
Keep up the good fight, the brush and soaps are my favorite part! I have to admit it was worth the money (well, my BF's money, thanks honey!
) to get a nice brush, he bought me a Dovo Silver Tip Badger brush. It is SO soft and provides good coverage on the legs. My daughter (age 5) is actually using a brush and soap when she takes a bath, seeing us use them and wanted to know what it was all about. Breakin em in early here! LOL Actually, I would like her play with the brush and soap rather than the Livi on the shelf!
I heard from Nanna that there are a lot of nice 'girly' scented soaps available from mama bears soaps, I will order from there next time to try some out. I also realized I had a lot to learn about lathering, once I got better with that the experience is so much better than a 'can of air' that is purchased from the local super market.
Cheers and happy shaving.
04-10-2012, 11:30 PM #37
I love all the soap options they have out there for the ladies as well as the men. When I discovered that I liked the brushes and soaps Gerrit made me a small brush all my own I love it but stillsteal his a lot. I started with a de and moved on to a straight later. Make your gf a nice warm bowl of lather and im sure you will have her hooked.:-)
04-10-2012, 11:56 PM #38
I've only shaved my wife's legs a few times. I used a DE for all of them, and she paid enough attention to work up the courage to do it herself. She's been getting very good at the lathering as well so I got her a few brushes and about 15 samplers of soaps and creams to find her favorites. Now that I'm moving to straights I see her eyeing my safety razor collection.
You'd be surprised at the fun we have shopping online together.
04-12-2012, 10:40 PM #39
When I started using a straight razor a couple of years ago, I asked my wife if she wanted to use the brush and shaving soap that I had and she liked it. Then she mentioned that she got a much better shave on her legs when she was a teenager and used her father's razor. I described what a DE razor was and she said that it was the kind her dad used, so I bought her a DE, soap and a brush and she loved it. Now she has 3 DE's and two of her own brushes, but will use one of mine when she feels like it. She also uses all the shaving soaps and creams that I have. No more goop in a can and cartridges for us.
04-13-2012, 02:39 AM #40
Neolithium I completely understand how fun it is to shop for shave suppies with your wife Gerrit and I do it all the time. Im sure she will love the strait once she gets going.
bamboozle that is cool I have quite a few de's also I seem to keep collecting them.
you guys should encourage your wifes to join srp there are other ladies that would love to chat with them about all things shave related for the ladies.