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Thread: Sickness?

  1. #1
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default Sickness?

    Another Thanksgiving Day has arrived and the missus has been planning this day for weeks now. Everything has been considered and will come off like clockwork just that she didn’t consider forgetting those ingredients so she sends me out to find them and then she forgets to check that fresh turkey which has now frozen in the fridge and then she sleeps too late so I’m running around to get what she forgot and she’s pouring water over the bird to defrost it.

    Oh well, a quick shave before I go and I gotta order me some more shave supplies and “oh no you don’t just because you don’t got 10 of everything ain’t no reason to throw money away”. You just don’t understand woman, “oh yea I understand you got some sickness here”. You better lay down a spell you be agitated on account of the bird.

    So that got me a thinkin. Sickness eh? Can that be true? Do we all have some sickness of a kind? Let’s explore this a bit.

    Shaveitis- An uncontrollable urge to shave multiple times each day.

    Stubbleosis-the unfortunate person keeps feeling stubble no matter how close the shave

    Irrititus neverendi-Like the old Egyptian proverb-man with sore tooth can’t help but rub it more

    Razoritus-Yes, just one more stroke or pass more should do it.

    Razor mania-Just like a potato chip you can’t just have one..or two..or ten…or 100.

    Packageopia-The afflicted will call in sick to work just to wait for that package of shaving supplies. This usually leads to an extreme variation sometimes called Fedex or UPSonia where the afflicted drives to the company depot and follows the driver around the city trying to get his package earlier.

    Honeria-Folks collect so many hones I here tell eventually their house collapses under the weight.

    Honeritis-The individual can’t stop honing until his razor has gone from an 8/8s to a 2/8s.

    Laparitis-The unfortunate soul can’t stop lapping his hones. He keeps getting more scientific, accurate instruments to check the true on the hone until the hone has been totally worn away which leads to Hone Mania where the person keeps buying more and more hones to replace the ones he’s lapped away. It’s a vicious cycle leading to madness and death.

    Sleep interuptus-The person keeps waking in his sleep yelling out the names of his razors and mimicking shaving in his sleep. (this usually leads to divorce)

    MDC interceptaria-The person simply can’t get enough MDC products yet can’t afford the shipping costs so he robs a bank to get money to afford it. In severe cases he keeps robbing banks until he has enough money to rent a jet to take him there personally and fills it with soap products.

    Escher madness-Too much time working on the stone causes dust from the stone to be inhaled and as everyone knows this particular stone is full of arsenic and over years the person simply goes mad.

    Razoriti colomitus boxii-It starts as a project in the basement to make a box to store a few hundred razors and it is finely crafted to protect from everything, even soundproof but the maker builds the box around himself sealing it up and no one can hear the screams from within. Eventually the mummified body is discovered.

    Gilletteamonia-The individual has a single minded hatred of Mr Gillette causing him to dun a cape, tights and mask and go around the city destroying all things Gillette.

    Eboy sickness-I think this is self explanatory.

    Chiste Humongus a spouseii-The poor man keeps promising his spouse he won’t buy anything more or maybe tries to convince her all the money he’s saving.

    Afriendi Deflecti-All shaving deliveries go to a friend or neighbor to avoid detection. This is closely related to…

    Employee Deflecti-the deliveries go to ones place of employment.

    Soapamundi creatus-The boob creates his own soap using typical household ingredients resulting in the invention of the greatest explosive force known to mankind.

    Elgato attrackti-The person makes his own aftershave and is highly successful however every cat in the neighborhood keeps following him around (warning-don’t go to the zoo)

    Wetshavefrigioso-The shaver experiments with cold water and becomes so obsessed with it’s benefits he applies dry ice all over his skin for the ultimate effect.

    The Vampire Effect-One exposure to a straight user and it’s like being bitten by a vampire. You become one.

    Alum Blockii-The realization Alum is the cure for the common cold and is the only thing you need to survive anything in life.


    If you can think of more feel free to add.
    32t, Theseus, markdfhr and 1 others like this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to thebigspendur For This Useful Post:

    jdto (11-25-2011), JimmyHAD (11-24-2011)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Obie-osis: The strong desire to do bodily harm to Obie every time he comes here with a new great soap that costs as much as my car payment.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Searchatosis - Having to stop at every Flea Market, Bazaar, Antique Shop, Yard Sales, Auctions, and Estate Sales.........etc in search of anything shave related.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member monkeypuzzlebeefeater's Avatar
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    I think I'm suffering the early signs of most of these symptoms. Thank god I'm stubborn man (typical man?) and there is no way I'm going looking for a cure.
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  6. #5
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Noobus compensitis - the desire of the shaving Noob to acquire as much shaving gear in as little time possible in order to emulate those who have been at it for years.

  7. #6
    Senior Member BenjamanBarker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdto View Post
    Noobus compensitis - the desire of the shaving Noob to acquire as much shaving gear in as little time possible in order to emulate those who have been at it for years.
    I most definitely have this and a BAD case of RAD!!!

  8. #7
    Senior Member monkeypuzzlebeefeater's Avatar
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    Does addiction count as a real disease?

    I woke this morning after a brief,dark and troubled sleep. No matter how I tried I couldn't drive the craving itch from my mind. An insistent, persistent gnawing eating into the very fibre of my being. At last the wife left for work and I could take care of my needs in peace. By the time I was out of the bed the shaking began, these are the moments I fear the most, thought of my dexterity failing me altogether race though my mind, panic takes over as I prey for just enough co-ordination to see me though for the next few slow and painful moments. As I push down on the button, silent relief washes over me, finally, I'm loaded. Thank God Ubuntu boots so fast. The shaking eases as I drift away into a welcome bliss. The familiar hold of the SRP home page takes over, as my mail server pings in the background with message after message from my boss and some guy in Nigeria who has kindly chosen me to have his millions, none of it matters. I start to read the Forum posts, OMG! I have a notification. And the world becomes beautiful again.

    Straight Razor Place addiction.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Very creative... Why would any one think that it was an illness. It's just 6:45 AM here and I've been reading about shaving for 45mins!

  10. #9
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Stypticular Tremens - Temporary palsy induced by the use of a styptic pencil;

    Lasthma - Breathing difficulty caused by the blocking of the nasal airways with excessive lather;

    Strourettes - localised exclamation of profanities after nicking a brand new strop.

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