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  1. #1
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    Default Straight Razors lasting more than a lifetime

    Hi All,

    What a great website and forums!! I have a question and didn't quite see it posted already.

    How could a straight razor that is constantly used, honed, stroped, ect last a lifetime or more?

    I mean as soon as it is honed, doesn't that take off metal and if this was done 2-3 times a year times say 30 or 40 years, wouldn't you be left with a little nub to pass to your kids/grandchildren?

    Just curious.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    If you only have one blade, then you'll be touching it up like 30-40 times a year. Yes honing removes metal, but not that much. I have some el-cheapo kitchen knives that I've been sharpening on a bench grinder and using daily for about 10 years. That removes a heck of a lot more metal and they're still pretty much the same size as when they were new.

  3. #3
    Scar Face Aussie's Avatar
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    They should last long enough to pass on. One of my best shavers was bought from a deceased estate and the coffin the straight came in had the gentlemans name and the date 1902. Shows some wear but I intend to pass it onto my son.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think that if a straight is properly cared for and honed in a conservative manner it will last indefinately. There are plenty of straights of Civil war vintage that are in great shape.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    Light honing 2 or 3 times a year,with an occasional few tune up strokes on a barbers hone should be enough for the toughest bearded guy. If a guy knows how to strop properly honing just isnt need that often.I have an1827 Wade and Butcher that I have been shaving with for 40 years,and it will probably go another 100.Establish a good Bevel,Hone it on a fine waterstone,strop it properly and leave it alone,if it starts to pull 3 strokes on the barbers hone and its ready to go again.Its just shaving,not rocket science, Best Regards Gary

  6. #6
    Robert Williams Custom Razors PapaBull's Avatar
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    If you want to find out how a razor can last a lifetime of shaving and touching up on a barber hone, take a razor that has a very small chip in the blade and hone that chip out with a barber hone. After about a week or so of honing, you'll really understand how little metal is removed with a barber hone.

  7. #7
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PapaBull
    If you want to find out how a razor can last a lifetime of shaving and touching up on a barber hone, take a razor that has a very small chip in the blade and hone that chip out with a barber hone. After about a week or so of honing, you'll really understand how little metal is removed with a barber hone.
    Great way to put it in perspective. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. You've painted an eloquent picture.

  8. #8
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    Default Lasts a long time Lasts a long time

    I asked my barber - a guy in his mid 70s - how long
    a razor lasted him when he did shaves at least
    10 per day....He told me that
    under pretty constant use, honing, stropping etc that one
    would last 10-15 years...Now consider that it is only ONE guy
    using the razor...He said in the "later years" he went to disposable
    blades for sanitary reasons, but still prefered the standard SR...

    Also given the 'rotation' principal you should have at least 2 or three
    razors ....
    Lifetime possesions indeed....

    jim if you had one head it would last all day in Gold Bar

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