Well, after nearly five months I'm finally posting(WooHoo!). I first became interested in str8s about seven years back while serving in a National Guard infantry unit and was having trouble shaving in the field with double edge disposables as they would gum up too quickly. I read an article about straights and decided to give it a try but it hasn't been until this past year that I've really become serious about it. To make a long story short I discovered SRP by way of Classic Shaving.com and from reading the forums I've gone a long way in correcting numerous shortcomings in my honing, stropping and shaving technique. As a matter of fact, I've used a disposable once in the past several months and only because I was in a hurry. I can, however, see that this could well become an addiction requiring a twelve step program. Until today I was up to fifteen razors but now I have twenty two . So I hope to post more often when I have time off from my cruddy job .

P.S. One of today's acquisitions is a DublDuck Dwarf so now I'll have a chance to discover why a lot of you are gaga over DublDucks!