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  1. #11
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Hope you get well quick Josh. After all the work you put into getting the Jackets, It's a shame for you not to have one. I'll be glad to pay for one for you and you can pay me back when you can. Let me know.


  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Chandler
    Well, if you run short for the Modern Marvel Bill has under construction (hope you're wearing a hardhat while building, Bill), I guess you could always sell them. I heard Rush is running low, and Vicodin's pretty valuable on the street.
    Nah, I'll be wife was freaking out this morning because she was saying she would have no clue what to get me if enough other people want to contribute to the razor. told her just to tell other people in the family that it was already paid for lol. She was interrogating me about what else I would want and I couldnt think of anything other than some slippers lol, so now I have been instructed to think of additional things...sheesh.

    It amazes me that people are willing to buy vicodin, I know they are popular, but they really dont impress me much to tell you the truth. Maybe I'll save them for Bill if he pulls a muscle while lifting the razor?

  3. #13
    Senior Member sensei_kyle's Avatar
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    The nerve block during procedures absolutely rocks. It sucks they had a lot of work to do though. You're an active guy and sitting around, well, it's going to suck. But, this could be a good chance to do your vendor list and other little projects. Do your rehab and your shoulder will be good as new. Once you get a good shoulder you'll be amazed at how bad the other one hurts

  4. #14
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    The nerve block didn't work 100% for me. All though my leg was dead for the whole next day. The painkillers they gave me sucked, Perkasett (sp?). I will be starting rehab on my ankle his week. I guess we are the walking( kind of) wounded Feel better and send pictures of the scars when you are healed..

  5. #15
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    You guys are amateurs. If you want a good prescription PK, you have to go with Demerol

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adjustme69
    Hope you get well quick Josh. After all the work you put into getting the Jackets, It's a shame for you not to have one. I'll be glad to pay for one for you and you can pay me back when you can. Let me know.

    I appreciate the offer Lynn, but it could be a almost 2 months before I start working again, and I would just hate to owe anyone money for that long. Besides my wife would know something was up when she saw the jacket. I think Im sort of screwed on this one unfortunately Im sure eventually enough people will be interested for another order. If I can figure out some way around it in the next few days I will definitely do it lol because I sort of had my heart set on a jacekt after all the time spend working with the logo...but I'll get over it Im sure...there will always be something I have my heart set on, and I cant have it all.

    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ

    The nerve block didn't work 100% for me. All though my leg was dead for the whole next day. The painkillers they gave me sucked, Perkasett (sp?). I will be starting rehab on my ankle his week. I guess we are the walking( kind of) wounded Feel better and send pictures of the scars when you are healed..
    They offered me percoset (I cant spell it right either) and I declined it because it doesnt work very well for me. Unfortunately, I have a very high tolerance to pain killers, so more often than not I just dont even bother, but the vicodin which I have been on before does take the edge off of most thigns, I still think it is far over rated though. As far as the nerve block, mine worked 100%, but after 12 hours I was ready to trade the feeling of pain to be able to use my fingers again!!!

  7. #17
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
    You guys are amateurs. If you want a good prescription PK, you have to go with Demerol
    That doesn't work well on me either. I unfortunately have a high tolerance for drugs. Made my formative years very expensive..

  8. #18
    Senior Member JerseyLawyer's Avatar
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    Hey, Josh, hope you feel better soon. Surprised to see you on the computer so soon after your surgery, but I guess since you're in drug inducted la-la-land, it doesn't matter.

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JerseyLawyer
    Hey, Josh, hope you feel better soon. Surprised to see you on the computer so soon after your surgery, but I guess since you're in drug inducted la-la-land, it doesn't matter.

    Well its not really the drugs, they just take the edge off, but my arm is immobilized in a sling and I have a laptop computer so Im layting down and only moving my fingers on that side, so it really doesnt put much stress on my shoulder Since I can still play online, I think it is really helping me to be destracted from the pain, so I feel better already

  10. #20
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Josh I did that for four weeks at home.

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