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10-31-2006, 08:18 AM #1
My Post Operative Condition and some meaningless rambling due to pain killers
Well they gave me a nerve blocker, which is a shot in a nerve in my neck which completely numbed and paralized my right arm from the neck down for about 12 hours so I felt absolutely nothing all day, including my bumpy 2.5 hour drive home thankfully. I can now finally move my fingers in my right hand, and I can start to feel my shoulder again, so far I cant feel much, but I have been told that this will change. I usually have a pretty healthy attitude towards pain, but my Doctor told me not to try and be a tough guy, which as you guys know I am really not lol. At any rate, they have me on 15mg of vicodin every 4 hours, which I am assuming is taking the edge off of any pain I may have.
On the bad side, the doctors had to do more than they had thought. Not only did they have to remove the end of the clavicle, but they also had to repair a previously unkown tear in the rotator cuff and a partial tear of a tendon. This means I am out of work for at least 6 weeks and I will be very bored after a while. Luckily the DOD and General Dynamics really seem to want to ask me some questions off the books at the pentagon in return for lunch and hopefully getting a chance to meet Gen Peter Pace...but that may be doubtful since he is always so darn busy, I can get into the NMCC no problem, but getting near him is a whole other issue, however I still have hope! Since we will just be talking as friends and I wont be charging them, this doesnt count as work, so it will give me something to do without violating my diability agreement. This will also give me a chance to get those hats I am trading people sooner than 6 weeks, it will probably be about 3 weeks until my doctor is ok with my being in public due to the chance of someone bumping into my shoulder, although I'll still be in a sling and cant do much hands on stuf.
Unfortunately, since I am making slightly less money than my regular salary due to being on disability, my wife is asking that we limit our expenses and when she found out I was planning on buyin an SRP jacket, she asked me not too until I was working again. So unfortunately I wont be able to purchase an SRP jacket which I am obviously pretty upset about since it was sort of my idea, but I guess I will live. Besides Im sure there will be a chance to order another one at some point in the future. My wife says that it will teach me patients...I doubt that lol, but since I am at her mercy for the next few weeks, I guess I'll listen to her (Im still debating lol). Im thinking of maybe asking a friend to buy it for me, and to pay him back when Im working again, I dont think that is violating any of my wife's requests does it???
On the bright side, she said that if I sold one of my guns I dont use after the first of the new year, she would be fine with be buying a new gun with some of the extra money I will get from my family for the holidays. This is great since I actually already bought the gun I wanted about a month ago, and have been hiding it from her lol. I was tempted to ask if I could borrow against future money earned or received in order to purchase an SRP jacket, but I decided not to push it.
Anyway, the reason I mentioned my jacket issue, is to tell you about my next project (which I will be posting a poll on, surprised surprise). Since I dont get a jacket (that I freakin designed grrr) lol, I am determined to get something less expensive that says SRP on I think I have come up with a great idea that other people who wanted the jacket, but maybe couldnt afford it, or didnt live in a cold enough climate to order one might like. I am going to be putting together an order for embroidered flex flit SRP hats, they should be around $20.00 including shipping hopefullyso if there is enogh interest I'll get working on that soon
Anyway I will keep you all posted, and since I can type ok without to much pain, I would let you all know that I might be on a bit less, but I'll still be a participating member and hopefully can start my giveaway soon.
Sorry for my rambling, but I think this vicodin makes me do that...besides the fact that, it tends to keep me from sleeping and im bored out of my mind from just sitting aroudn all day on the couch
***NOTE to Bill Ellis***
Bill if you are reading this, dont worry about funding for christmas/honukah razor, its already more than budgetted out for believe it or not. Since this is the first christmas/honukah in the last few years that I actually want something in particular, my wife is actually having to fight the rest of my family off from requesting to pay for parts of the razor since they are so excited to get me a real present this year instead of gift certificates or money. She is worrying that she still gets to pay enough for it to even out our christmas purchases for one another (she wants lots of these cooking classes at some fancy cooking school around here). She gets very self conscious if I spend more than her for the holidays, which I think is just dumb, but apparently my opinion doesnt count in these matters. I havent told her yet that my grand parents on both sides, as well as my uncle want to contribute quite a bit towards the razor, as they all forgot about my birthday this year since it was on the same day as my brothers bar mitzvah. Everyone but my mom dad, and wife forgot about my birthday and I didnt even get a phone call or card...I think guilt is making a few family members over compensate, even though I really wasnt upset and understood completely. I may have to find another razor I want as well, to make everyone happy...poor me
10-31-2006, 08:58 AM #2
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Thanked: 1No problem, Josh...
Heck, if you can't swing it, there were a couple of guys who said they would buy it right out from under you. No big deal...
PS. Hope you heal quickly. Start doing curls with a 25 pound weight. That'll get you in shape for the razor.
10-31-2006, 09:31 AM #3
Bill, so you're starting him off on light training? He'll need a heck of a lot more than that for The Maul.
Josh, I'm glad you're in good spirits even if they partly come from pain killers. Soon enough you'll be off that stuff and still feeling good about yourself especially since that monstrosity has therapeutic properties
I hope you get well soon
10-31-2006, 09:47 AM #4
Originally Posted by urleebird
LOL I can afford it without a problem dont you worry yourself, like I said, my wife already has the money set aside, as do I for our holiday presents. We really dont have a money "shortage, its just that we promised ourselves to set aside a certain amount into savings each month (not including December due to buying presents for the family), and my wife doesnt want the amount going into savings to change. In fact, I may need to order one of those 8/8 W&B wedges in addition to this one if my family keeps insisting on taking part in buying me a razor lol....
besides...I would hate to hunt down anyone who attempted to even think about thinking about taking this razor away from me
10-31-2006, 09:53 AM #5
Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
10-31-2006, 10:38 AM #6
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Thanked: 1587Originally Posted by JLStorm
<This signature intentionally left blank>
10-31-2006, 10:43 AM #7
Originally Posted by Jimbo
LOL!!! hmm you think I can write if off on my taxes as post operative theraputic recovery equipment????
10-31-2006, 11:01 AM #8
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Thanked: 1587Originally Posted by JLStorm
Hope the recovery is smooth and fast.
PS Were/are you a thrower?<This signature intentionally left blank>
10-31-2006, 11:20 AM #9
Originally Posted by Jimbo
10-31-2006, 01:09 PM #10
Originally Posted by JLStorm
Well, if you run short for the Modern Marvel Bill has under construction (hope you're wearing a hardhat while building, Bill), I guess you could always sell them. I heard Rush is running low, and Vicodin's pretty valuable on the street.