Well, what can I say. Josh, simply put, is a kind heated soul that seeks to help others in any way he can. I just thought I should point that out in case anyone here didn't realize it.

For those who don't know the scoop, I was talking to Bill recently (giving him some tips about razor restoration and knife making, but that's another thread) and he happened to mention the grand plan for Josh's Razor.

I'm sure everyone here (including Josh) has seen the razor by this point, if not, it's in the "Restoration" category. Check it out. Now, get this...

Josh, being the kind hearted soul that he is, has agreed to raffle the razor off to SRP members, so buy your tickets now! In keeping with the holiday spirit, as this is to be a christmas chanukah present, Josh is DONATING all of the proceeds to two wonderful causes.

The first is PFU&CoSG's. That's "People for Understanding and Care of Seagulls". Seagulls (latin Craponnacar Annoyus) if you don't know, are those birds that will mob you in the McDonalds parking lot, fighting over the single deep fried trans fat stick that you dropped on the ground. They also have terrible bowl problems, due to too much olestra. Josh is excited to be able to help seagulls, by giving them a warm bed and low fat, high protein diets, to help the endangered seagull population flourish. So the next time your windshield get's crapped on, think of Josh!

The second worthy cause is the RFGC or Rednecks for Gun Control. These devout few realize that a gross misuderstanding of the right to bare arms has turned a t-shirt loving nation into an old spagetti western. Josh's love of clothing (srp jacket, srp hats, hat collection, habit of wearing pants...), especially t-shirts, has brought him closer than ever to the gun control cause and he's volunteered to surrender all but the finest 100 of his own guns, to set a good example. The money dontated to the RFGC will promote their new sleeveless shirts, with the slogan "Disarm and Bare Arms, all at the same time!"

So may I be the first to thank Josh for his outstanding contribution to society.

Thanks Josh.

PM for tickets if interested!