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Thread: I tried to get a shave by a barber today but got refused

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    32t is offline
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    Default I tried to get a shave by a barber today but got refused

    I have visions of hot towels getting pampered for a shave at a barber shop etc. Until today I have never had that chance.

    For a little background I usually shave with cold water and I timed myself a while ago and my whole shave including stropping and lathering took 3 minutes and 40 seconds. [I still can't beat my coworker with his electric for time!] I shave because work requires it not because I want to.

    Today my wife and I went to the Mall Of America. I live about 10 miles from there but have never been there. We are doing a staycation and staying in town this week we have off. Where would people go from out of town if they were visiting and the Mall was one of the suggestions from people I asked.I knew there was The Art Of Shaving store there and it was on my list of places to stop. I didn't realize that they had actual barbers there and made an appointment to have their Royal treatment. I needed it like a hole in the head but what the heck, I am on vacation. When I returned later at the assigned time they sat me down on the chair only to inform me that if I had already shaved today they wouldn't give me one. But they would trim me up and cut my hair. I stopped her right there and left. The shave was the point of the matter. Didn't buy anything else I was thinking of either. If that is their policy I can understand but they let me make an appointment and come back.

    I came back home and gave myself another shave.

    Overall I spent $1.32 at the mall. Walking around there was some money laying on the floor. People were walking by. I thought that it might be some of the advertising fake bills that people drop around. They looked real from above so I picked them up. They were. $4 No one stopped or was standing by so I put them in my pocket. I bought my wife a token gift for $5.32 after tax so I was out $1.32 for the day!

    Although I don't think it was a complete waste of time I would not recommend going to the Mall Of America unless you want to eat and buy bigger clothes afterwards.

    Last edited by 32t; 03-13-2012 at 12:01 AM.

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