View Poll Results: Should Josh be required to learn to hone?
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Yes, he should hone. No one deserves so many cool razors without knowing how to hone
16 64.00% -
Yes, he should learn. Its the right thing to do with 2000+ posts
8 32.00% -
No, their isn't a hone large enough for his razors
1 4.00% -
No, if he makes those giant razors of his sharp they might hurt someone
2 8.00%
Multiple Choice Poll.
Results 21 to 30 of 33
Thread: Josh's Honing
11-04-2006, 11:17 PM #21
Originally Posted by Joe Chandler
1k???? what did you buy??? I get the feeling that my honing on a nortan and coticule are not going to stand up to all the stuff you and Lynn have...and if thats the case, I dont care how much I enjoy or take pride in it, I want the best edge possible...even if I have to have someone else do it lol, cause I sure am not investing that much into it
11-04-2006, 11:26 PM #22
Well, I didn't get it all at once. lol A Norton here, an Escher there...
Do I need all that stuff? No. Am I glad I have it? Oh, yeah.Different blades respond to different things. Plus, I knew I was in this for the long haul, so I figgered I'd get good stuff right off the bat. And not all my honing stuff is for razors. I do a lot of knife sharpening, too, and I had a lot of it before I ever got into razors. So $1k is about right. And that doesn't include the hundreds of razors I've bought, or the hundreds of hours I've spent perfecting my technique. I told ya...I love this stuff!
11-04-2006, 11:32 PM #23
Joe, you're just intimidating poor Josh now. $150ish should get him up and running without any problems. Josh, this is what I'd do if I were in your shoes:
1) Get a pasted paddle strop from Tony and 1.0, 0.5 and 0.25 micron pastes from classicshaving.
2) Try touching up just ONE of your blades. With guidance from Tony and Randy, it won't take much for you to get it up to snuff. Cost: $80ish
3)Once you build up your confidence for touchups, you can get a practice blade and a Norton and hone one blade from scratch. The Norton should run you about $70
Baby steps Josh, baby steps
11-04-2006, 11:55 PM #24
Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
Certainly didn't mean to intimidate the man. As I said, I don't really need all the stuff I have, and a lot of it is for knives rather than razors. You can certainly get by with just the Nortons and a pasted strop. Of course, if you'd rather keep on keeping on, and send 'em to me, that works, too.
11-05-2006, 12:02 AM #25
Originally Posted by Joe Chandler
Of course..that means you have to learn to like honing wedges because they make up the bulk of my small collection.
11-05-2006, 12:08 AM #26
I wonder, on another note, whether Josh holds some sort of record for the most forum polls devoted to one person?
11-05-2006, 12:10 AM #27
Originally Posted by JerseyLawyer
I doubt it, but I wonder if I hold a record for creating the most forum polls?
Speaking of records and posts...where is my blabbermouth lol? It never appeared
11-05-2006, 12:13 AM #28
Originally Posted by JLStorm
11-05-2006, 12:16 AM #29
Originally Posted by JLStorm
11-05-2006, 12:23 AM #30
Originally Posted by Joe Chandler
Well I am running out of razors I would part with, but I would certainly consider paying enough for one of your restorations so that you could buy your own NOS 8/8 FriodurEspecially if you happened to...oh I dunno...restore a nice W&B 8/8 or larger celebrated, or wedge with a barbers notch. For the time being, the W&B and very old wedges with lots of history and character are the only things I am interested in. Those types of razors seem to be right up your restoration alley though, so I think we can work something out