View Poll Results: Should Josh be required to learn to hone?
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Yes, he should hone. No one deserves so many cool razors without knowing how to hone
16 64.00% -
Yes, he should learn. Its the right thing to do with 2000+ posts
8 32.00% -
No, their isn't a hone large enough for his razors
1 4.00% -
No, if he makes those giant razors of his sharp they might hurt someone
2 8.00%
Multiple Choice Poll.
Results 1 to 10 of 33
Thread: Josh's Honing
11-04-2006, 08:08 PM #1
Josh's Honing
OK Guys! Josh is a honemiester 20 times over . . . thats right. He has yet to go through the learning curve and frustration of honing. Thats 2000+ posts without even giving it a shot. Now, as the SRP one armed bandit rolling edges on those 10/8 razors and getting that wicked custom job from Bill Ellis for Christmas I think we should start applying some old fashion peer pressure. What else should he be doing with one hand? Don't answer that!
Whatcha' guys think?
11-04-2006, 08:14 PM #2
I must regretfully say that he should not be required. We non-honers have to stick together. And he might cut something off in the process.
11-04-2006, 08:20 PM #3
Originally Posted by AFDavis11
Alan...have you seen the collection of rare razors I have acquired??? I would not trust myself to hone them lol, and every screw up would take that much mroe metal off the blade making them that much smaller lol! Besides I am only home two to three days a week and my wife would kill me if I spent anymore time on my razors than I already do
11-04-2006, 08:21 PM #4
Oh ya...and I only have one arm!!!
11-04-2006, 08:34 PM #5
Originally Posted by JLStorm
11-04-2006, 08:38 PM #6
Originally Posted by JerseyLawyer
ya I know...the next thing you know is I'll be making some excuse as to why I cant jump rope either!
11-04-2006, 08:39 PM #7
Originally Posted by JLStorm
11-04-2006, 08:41 PM #8
Originally Posted by JLStorm
So, I think you ought to learn how to hone. Start with a razor that you have used for a while and that is slightly less sharp than you like. Take an 8k or coticule and you cannot go far wrong. Keep the spine on the hone, move slowly, you can hardly screw anything up. A rifle man like yourself will have a steady hand I expect.
11-04-2006, 08:44 PM #9
As much enjoyment as you obviously get from all of the aspects of straight razor shaving that you do participate in, I am amazed that you exclude yourself (by choice) from one so central to the hobby. Given all of your free time right now, you have no excuse for not diving in. If you need a razor to learn on---DO NOT USE ONE OF YOUR MEATCHOPPERS, I will be happy to send one out.
11-04-2006, 08:57 PM #10
Doesn't Ed always sound like the voice of reason chiming in?