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Thread: How was it back then?

  1. #1
    Member Chribo's Avatar
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    Default How was it back then?

    Nowdays it seems SR shaving has become an "art" as opposed to a "task"..

    When I read up I see see things like

    1) Never strop directly AFTER shaving
    2) Razors should be rested for 24 hours before shaves
    3) A USD400 brush made from the hair of Virgin Gerbils makes by far the best lather
    4) I walked 300 miles to get to the top of Mount Spock to get a hone from pure Vulkanite.... only way to get a really decent edge!

    How did it work when my 100 year old blade was in the hands of an army barber, shaving 50 soldiers in 30 minutes flat?

    Under the guns at Waterloo... the odd cannonball flying around... one razor, a dirty rag and no hot towels....

    Do all the ideas that fly around germinate from a love of the "hobby"... as opposed to praticle reality?

    I am off looking for my boar tail brush as we speak... although my old one with hair of unknown origin served me well ;-)

    All the best

  2. #2
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    #1 &2 on your list are incorrect, there is no proof that those are true.
    As far as back in the day, one stone such as Coticule or Thuringian or barber's hone and a strop is what was needed it looks like.

  3. #3
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Have you ever wondered why humongous beards were a lot more prevalent back in the day?

    Certainly we push the envelope in terms of minutiae and pedantry, but that is surely our prerogative. Let's face it, when it really comes down to it shaving is a mundane, repetitive, and ceaseless task - why not spice it up and make it interesting as we do? It doesn't hurt anyone, and in fact it progresses and enhances the knowledge and techniques of shaving in general and, in our case, straight razors in particular. And this has clearly struck a chord with a lot of people when you consider the membership numbers of the various shaving forums.

    And so while I take your point, we should remember that times move on and it is incumbent upon us to move on with them. Keep the good bits (straight razors), throw away the bad (walking 5 miles to the well and back to get water) and embrace the contemporary (synthetic hones). You can conserve everything in a little time bubble, but if everyone did that how would we ever progress?

    So I for one am very pleased we are part of a progressive movement here.

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  4. #4
    Member Chribo's Avatar
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    1 & 2 I have read in a couple of places.

    I admit I made 3 + 4 up :-)

  5. #5
    Member Chribo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Let's face it, when it really comes down to it shaving is a mundane, repetitive, and ceaseless task - why not spice it up and make it interesting as we do?


    I agree... the only problem I have with the whole thing is... since i have turned the task into a pleasure... I spend too much time fondeling my blades wishing my beard would grow faster.

    Only shaving once a day is not enough.... I want to play with my cold steel!

    If it was not summer, and everyone would see it when I wore shorts... I may even have had a go at butchering my legs! :-(
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Obviously you have not dabbled in Leica photography and forums associated with it nor any gun forums for that matter either. I imagine automotive forums are the same. All tend to take a rather simple concept and make it seem more complicated than it is or needs to be. I think it involves chasing perfection/the magic bullet whatever. Personally good enough is good enough but without the perfectionists involved you would never get any advancements in any field of endeavour.

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  7. #7
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Do what I do and shave your head.

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  8. #8
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chribo View Post
    I agree... the only problem I have with the whole thing is... since i have turned the task into a pleasure... I spend too much time fondeling my blades wishing my beard would grow faster.

    Only shaving once a day is not enough.... I want to play with my cold steel!

    If it was not summer, and everyone would see it when I wore shorts... I may even have had a go at butchering my legs! :-(
    Oh brother... you got it BAD LOL!!

    Take up swimming! You can shave away and get away with it!

  9. #9
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    There is some really good writing in this thread.

    I like the philosophical discussion also
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  10. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, as I recall about 150 years ago before going to work I used to shave every day with a straight and it was a real chore. My dad taught me how to do it all and when the blade needed honing there were all kinds of expert places to take it. The local barber, peddlers or use the one nondescript hone I had back then. Horsehide strops were plentiful and cheap since there were so many horses around to supply the hides. I never thought of it as a hobby back then. If I wanted a real treat I would go to the local barber once a month and on special occasions for a professional job. Back in those days money was tight and we were worked to death. However something like a razor was a necessity and could be had for a buck or so.

    It was just something we all did and never talked about.
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