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Thread: DE, Straight, or Feather?

  1. #1
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Default DE, Straight, or Feather?

    Which one gives the most consistently close shave?

    Let me preface this by saying, if you are a Jack of all Trades, than I doubt this will be anything other than a conversation about your own personal tastes. None of these systems will prove as reliable as they could be given the commitment each deserves. I'll go out on a limb and state, a DE needs months where a straight deserves a year minimum of commitment for one to become proficient with the tool. I can't speak to the Feather, but from those reviews I have read, those who have mastered the Feather and use it on a regular basis absolutely love the product and learn rather quickly.

    I want to talk to those who have given each method a good honest try.

    The DE is without a doubt is the leader for gents who need maintenance free shaves, with the Feather (from what I can only imagine) coming a close second. So if you aren't wrapped up in the tradition and customs that come with using a straight, then surely these products will rank high... but what of the shave itself?

    It seems the Muhle R41 is today's standard for closeness.

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    I love my DE's and in particular my open comb all that much more. I don't have a R41 but have heard great things. But for me... when it comes to shaving with a DE, I am always amazed how close I get! And there is just so little "work" involved! But almost as quickly as I am amazed at how close I got... it seems as though I am growing stubble again! It's weird but I am convinced that growth begins faster after a DE shave than a Straight shave. Either way, I think I might have to give the 41 a try here one day and see how she plays.

    Of course on this site many of us are familiar with the straight razor . I love all of mine! Well ok - most. But I find it takes more commitment shaving with a straight vs a DE, and I don't always hit a home-run when I hone. But I have back-ups for when that happens.

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    When I do have everything going on though - my straight gives me way better, and way longer lasting shaves than my DE. But! I rarely have everything going on. . To get it all going on for me takes way more work so in a way... my DE kind of gives me a consistently more regular shave. Though I hate to admit it .

    Then there is the Feather. Seems to be a nice compromise between the two, but I have no clue as of yet. Perhaps the whole reason I started this thread is to convince myself that I need to try one lol.

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    What says you guys? Any of you give all three a good honest go? Thanks for your input!

  2. #2
    32t is offline
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    Only you can answer this for yourself. Give it a go.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    i think you need to try the Feather AC. i am recommending it to you. It is very simple as you said and can be very effective without the maintenance. Watch out for the blades as they are extremely sharp.
    You also need to try the R41. It is very effective, but i do not find it a very comfortable shave; close, yes, comfort not, but YMMV.
    i don't find my stubble grows back quickly with a DE. When i get a very good shave with mine, i can go 12 hours without any significant growth and i have a coarse and dark beard.
    By the way, since you started this thread to convince yourself you need to try some razors, you should try the Cobra Classic as it also uses the same blades as the Feather AC. Hee hee.
    Good luck.
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    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Ah you gents are reading me like a book... or does it really come threw that I want to try something new LOL! But the Cobra Classic was below the belt! You added another to the mix lol!!

    But considering my enabling friend (celestino) has given me the recommendation (thank you), and my other friend (32t) states I need to figure it out on my own...

    I'll give it a bit longer as struggling to figure out which one to start with is half the fun for me lol. That and I know that some here have tried all three. I am positive Lynn has.

    As for the timing of my beard growth after a shave though. I am certain that my straight leaves me cleaner for longer when I have it in good trim. Maybe I am loosing it, but then maybe it's a YMMV thing to.

    Too bad the 41 isn't comfortable! Thanks for the responses!

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Consistent close shaves? For me at least, the DE and the straight are in about a dead heat. Naturally, I prefer a straight. However, every once in a while (trying to squeeze one more shave in before a touch up hone, etc.), I have a straight shave that is less than optimum. If the edge is really bad, I'll simply secure the dull razor and reach for another that has a better edge. More often than not (for reasons I can't explain) I'll finish the shave with the razor I started with even if it means a not very good shave for that day.

    For some reason, if I pick up a DE, and it has the slightest pull, I'll change the blade immediately. This, in and of itself probably creates the illusion of more consistent close shaves with a DE. I could just as easily replace a sub-par straight with a sharper one but in fact I seldom do. The one area where the DE does have a clear advantage is that you can shave in any direction with one. Like many others, the grain of the whiskers on my neck is a bit crazy. To achieve a true ATG pass, I generally need to drag the razor perpendicular to my jaw bone starting under my ear and moving towards my adam's apple. Due to the size of a DE this pass is pretty easily done. With a straight, I've found this to be nearly impossible. The blade just seems too long and while I can get fairly close to perpendicular to the jaw bone, with a straight there always seems to be a slant of a few degrees up or down. That said the results are generally pretty similar with the DE only slightly closer as a result. The DE in general seems to be the better choice for close in areas (i.e. trimming the top of a moustache.)

    As for the Feather, like you, I've been stalking these for quite some time. I'm not sure how much longer it will be before I cave in and buy one but eventually, I'll probably get there. They do seem like the perfect compromise.
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 10-18-2012 at 04:53 AM.
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  8. #6
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    The r41 is a great shaver indeed but it's a open comb in fact it's almost to open hahaha it can Deliever a comfortable shave if you have confidence in your self but I would strongly recommend going slow very very slow. Like a old lady crossing the street slow or it will bite you
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  9. #7
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Consistent close shaves? For me at least, the DE and the straight are in about a dead heat. Naturally, I prefer a straight. However, every once in a while (trying to squeeze one more shave in before a touch up hone, etc.), I have a straight shave that is less than optimum. If the edge is really bad, I'll simply secure the dull razor and reach for another that has a better edge. More often than not (for reasons I can't explain) I'll finish the shave with the razor I started with even if it means a not very good shave for that day.

    For some reason, if I pick up a DE, and it has the slightest pull, I'll change the blade immediately. This, in and of itself probably creates the illusion of more consistent close shaves with a DE. I could just as easily replace a sub-par straight with a sharper one but in fact I seldom do. The one area where the DE does have a clear advantage is that you can shave in any direction with one. Like many others, the grain of the whiskers on my neck is a bit crazy.

    As for the Feather, like you, I've been stalking these for quite some time. I'm not sure how much longer it will be before I cave in and buy one but eventually, I'll probably get there. They do seem like the perfect compromise.
    Wow that's hilarious! I too will finish out a shave with a straight even if it's less than stellar where I wouldn't with a DE. But I never even really thought about it until you posted that. Cool insight - thanks.

  10. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The R41 is like anything else. Once you use it and adapt to it and figure out the learning curve it's a piece of cake and will give you a shave that is really close to a straight. However, it's still not a straight. That is where you will get the closest shaves.
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  12. #9
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    The R41 is like anything else. Once you use it and adapt to it and figure out the learning curve it's a piece of cake and will give you a shave that is really close to a straight. However, it's still not a straight. That is where you will get the closest shaves.
    Yeah I just pulled out my open-comb for today's shave. It really doesn't compare to my straights... at all. Sigh .

  13. #10
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    No contest for me. Straights give me the best and most comfortable shaves. That said, my DE technique has hardly been developed at all, so that's probably the issue.
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