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Thread: Straight razors and I , are going our seperate ways.

  1. #21
    Senior Member Noswad's Avatar
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    Wish you a speedy recovery, Scott.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Noswad For This Useful Post:

    midloth72 (10-19-2012)

  3. #22
    Senior Member midloth72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trox View Post
    Owwww that sucks, but heal well and come on back to the World of Straight Razors; we'll be waiting.

    Also you should have put that in the Cut of the Day thread and made up a great story on how it happened with a straight razor; since I'm sure that's more than 10 stitches it should count.
    Ha ha nice one . Something likethis - "So there I was finishing off me chin , when a huge sneeze over came me ." "Due to the spasmic motion of me body , arm struck out and the razor flipped around a stuck into left elbow ."
    "First thought was blasted fish fingers , there goes me cosmic perfected
    edge !"



  4. #23
    Senior Member midloth72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Do your straights know my address? I run a shelter for them!

    Man! What an injury! No one has asked, so I will. How'd you do that? I hope and pray for a speedy and complete recovery.
    I had my bicycle all tuned up and new tyres (tires) put on , brakes fixed etc. Got a new helmet too . So day before I was going to start commuting to work (25 minutes one way on a dedicated bike route ) , I took a spin around my neighbourhood . To check seat , handle bar height , as I went off the main road - I cut through a lane that runs next to a park . Went over the first bump no trouble , but then there are two more in sequence.

    Somehow my front wheel jerked sideways (perhaps I had one hand off the bar ) , then the wheel hit the next bump and whoosh through the air - as if catapulted medieval style ! Hit the ground hard on my left side and slid a few feet . Bumped my head , but that was after I stopped and just felt my head flop to the ground . So no hair was damaged and my new helmet is still usable . Obviously no more Knievel moves for a few months !

    Cheers brokenly ,

    Sasquatch likes this.

  5. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    About 8 years ago I was tooling along at 20mph on a road racing bicycle when I misjudged the depth of a pile of sand washed off a hill onto the roadway. It grabbed my front tire as if I had slammed on the front break and over the bars I went. Landed on asphalt on my scapula. Broke my left collar bone and separated my AC joint. Other than that I was fine.

    Funny but I had the same exact experience of my head 'flopping to the ground' except I wasn't wearing a helmet. In the milliseconds between my shoulder hitting the pavement and the side of my head slamming into the ground I could see it coming and was tensing my neck to try and avoid the hit. Knocked me out for awhile. I missed 5 weeks work and had to sleep in a chair for 3 months to avoid rolling over on that left side. Shaved with a DE but not as often as I normally would have.

    Hope you get well soon. I know the feeling to some extent.

  6. #25
    Senior Member midloth72's Avatar
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    Bloody hell man , no half ways for you ! Thanks for the kind words .

    Now it's physio time and the long slog back to mobility .



    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    About 8 years ago I was tooling along at 20mph on a road racing bicycle when I misjudged the depth of a pile of sand washed off a hill onto the roadway. It grabbed my front tire as if I had slammed on the front break and over the bars I went. Landed on asphalt on my scapula. Broke my left collar bone and separated my AC joint. Other than that I was fine.

    Funny but I had the same exact experience of my head 'flopping to the ground' except I wasn't wearing a helmet. In the milliseconds between my shoulder hitting the pavement and the side of my head slamming into the ground I could see it coming and was tensing my neck to try and avoid the hit. Knocked me out for awhile. I missed 5 weeks work and had to sleep in a chair for 3 months to avoid rolling over on that left side. Shaved with a DE but not as often as I normally would have.

    Hope you get well soon. I know the feeling to some extent.

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