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Thread: Magnetic display case ever built?

  1. #1
    I need to return some video tapes Minnebrew's Avatar
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    Default Magnetic display case ever built?

    It would require custom scales but I think it is possible if you incorporate strong enough magnets but has anyone ever made a magnetic display case that would have the razors "floating" without hooks or other method of holding them up?

    Had the thought yesterday when I was thinking of how I would like to start creating my display area in the shaving HQ

    Any thoughts or has anyone seen this?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    What occurs to me is that if a razor, with a metal blade and non-ferrous metal scales is held by magnetism the blade itself will become magnetized. Not a big thing I suppose but there is something about that I don't like. YMMV.
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  3. #3
    I need to return some video tapes Minnebrew's Avatar
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    something to play with, I figure I could do the scales a few different ways one way would be to make epoxy scales and have the metal or magnets hidden. I don't see what, if any, effect the blade would get from becoming possibly magnetized. It won't shave any different and the pull couldn't affect the blade surface...Not sure, will find out when I make it with razors I won't be worried if ruined

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    They have magnetic knife holders for kitchen knives. Maybe you could get a couple of those and mount them.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I'm sure it wouldn't hurt anything. In fact I've seen razors branded 'Carbo Magnetic' IIRC. Maybe a few others marked magnetic on the blade , as if it were a selling point. Maybe attracted to the iron in the blood, pulls the razor to the skin, giving a closer shave.
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  6. #6
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Here are two photo's i stole from someplace on the net when I was looking for ideas as to what I would do.

    You will note that they only use the magnets on the one side - maybe you could "better" that somehow.

    Good Luck!!

    Name:  bladesboxs.jpg
Views: 437
Size:  34.1 KBName:  exotic1and2002.jpg
Views: 479
Size:  40.5 KB
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  8. #7
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    I would rather appreciate the fact that if somebody slams the door/what ever vibration occurs while living in a house. that my razors weren't all going to go bouncing across the floor
    I liked the little hooks under neath and the pin above the scales that held the blade up and presented so to speak in a slightly open position

  9. #8
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    I forget who but there is a member here that hangs his razors using magnets from the tail, right above his sink. It looks pretty cool.

  10. #9
    Senior Member Tarkus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoppA View Post
    I forget who but there is a member here that hangs his razors using magnets from the tail, right above his sink. It looks pretty cool.
    You are right WoppA, it was Geezer. He came up with a very cool idea for his shave den

  11. #10
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    I think some old razors were intentionally magnetized as a marketing ploy as a process that improves the steel somehow...I believe this notion is bunk, but I mention it only to dispel any fears of problems with magnetizing the blade. My history could be wrong, but a vendor told me this once (that is was a clever ploy, and possibly collectible).

    OTOH, my REAL fear would be a very sharp blade floating around in space....and something disturbs the balance (like a thunder clap or some other big vibration) and the razor gets closer to one pole than the other and snaps against the magnet. I am not sure how you could design against this, but the fears of damaging edges, breaking scales, hardened steel blades, and magnets does not appeal to me.

    Perhaps I misunderstood the concept....I think that having the tails secured with a magnet is a fine idea.

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