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  1. #21
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    Back to the topic. When I've cut myself to the point my wife has complained I just tell her to take out some extra insurance on me .

    All this walking on egg shells around a woman and letting the woman run a man's life seems silly to me. It's a partnership. You shave with a straight. period. There's nothing for her to be concerned about. .

    Glen F

  2. #22
    JMS is offline
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  3. #23
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    Ok well X you can feel free to quote my entire apology/explanation ...
    That's a sleeping dog now. I figure let it lie.


  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLStorm View Post
    (clipped because I'm out of that hot spot till it cools)...Women generally warm up to straight razor shaving, it takes a while, but most of the time us men are quite rewarded for our grooming efforts. Hell, if you listen closely you might even hear her brag to her friends about how smooth your skin is and what a tough guy you are for shaving with a cut throat! Of course, in your particular situation, I am not sure how she will feel about badger or boar brushes, but thats why they make synthetics
    Hell yeah! MY wife still thinks I'm nuts (in a supportive way that is) but my new Sister-In-Law (little brothers wife) has been bugging HIM about it since I gave him a shave when they came to Texas for Xmas 2005. Yeah it pretty much started out "I retired my Mach3 what?...yeah I'm using a straight razor now...this I have GOT to see"

    Anyhow she swears up and down it was the best shave he's ever had and his face stayed smooth for days. And that was with my self honed on a Spyderco, stropped on a laundry bag, Walgreen's soap and a boar bristle brush, eBay special!!! I doubt he'll ever convert but whenever they're home he gets a shave to shut her up

  5. #25
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Default like I was saying...

    I just shave any way.
    Tell her that from now on every time she complains you intend to buy another razor.
    Then go show her a Livi !!!!

    As far as getting a woman to leave you alone while you're shaving, I have a foolproof plan. At least with my wife cause I know she can't resist trying to talk through a closed door.

    When you cut yourself make sure you don't yell. Wait till her resolve founders and she feels she JUST HAS to talk to you through the door.
    READY...SET.....SCREAM!!! example...


    Kills two birds with one stone 1) blame the cut on her 2) actually helps prevent future cuts by getting her to leave you alone.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    I just shave any way.
    Tell her that from now on every time she complains you intend to buy another razor.
    Then go show her a Livi !!!!
    Love that Idea, but she's would never take me seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    When you cut yourself make sure you don't yell. Wait till her resolve founders and she feels she JUST HAS to talk to you through the door.
    And then do what Rich does and wander out of the bathroom with blood streeaming down your face looking like you've been mortally wounded and are about to faint.


  7. #27
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    This thread got pretty heated I see :O

    Well, as an update for the original topic:

    I convinced her that every one of our hobbies; slack lining, skiing, climbing, even fishing has a lot of inherent dangers. And she realized it was silly for her to try and make me stop. It was mostly her just worrying about me.

    Oh, a clincher in the arguement was that if I stopped straight razor shaving, I'd probably stop using my Geo F. Trumper Lime Shaving cream and associated Lime Skin Food. I guess she enjoys my post shave scent too much to let go =D

    Thanks for the help everyone,

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jorge View Post
    This thread got pretty heated I see :O

    Well, as an update for the original topic:

    I convinced her that every one of our hobbies; slack lining, skiing, climbing, even fishing has a lot of inherent dangers. And she realized it was silly for her to try and make me stop. It was mostly her just worrying about me.

    Oh, a clincher in the arguement was that if I stopped straight razor shaving, I'd probably stop using my Geo F. Trumper Lime Shaving cream and associated Lime Skin Food. I guess she enjoys my post shave scent too much to let go =D

    Thanks for the help everyone,
    One of your hobbies if flat lining???? Oh, wait, slack- lining for a minute there I got a little nervous

  9. #29
    God of War celticstone's Avatar
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    I just make sure I shave early while the wife is still asleep. I ended up with a one inch smile on my left cheek due to the fact that everything in the house was silent and peaceful, and as soon as I start to make my second stroke WTG she screams at the dogs for climbing on the bed. I just sucked it up and finished, and dealt with the cut when the job was done. Still have a slight red line there, though.

  10. #30
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Default invite them in

    I say leave the door open, invite them in to watch (or help after awhile) and then when the inevitable nick or slice occurs she will have a real good idea of the pain and struggle you go through just so that she is not embarrassed to be seen in public with you.

    Of course the big bleeders do not happen all that often so most likely she will be bored and leave you alone. Like she does when you are changing the oil in her car... sure she could do it but she probably does not want to. in either case she is unlikely to find it a pleasure and soon wonders off, looking for things to add to your "to do list"
    Be just and fear not.

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