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Thread: Discussion: Portland/Seattle Meet...

  1. #11
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    I beleive the rough date is Sep/Oct timeframe. No location decided to date. Any input is welcome! Glen, is the wife/you looking more for a meet IN Portland or Seattle, or is somewhere within driving distance OK? We don't have a lot of input yet, so let er rip.

    I am planning on seeing this happen, was just hoping for some more input. I know Shawn and Glen seemed pretty committed as well.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Default Proposed course of action.

    Just an idea of how to move forward. Let's hash out three prospective sites. One in Portland, one in Seattle, and one midpoint of the two. People can get some ideas together, maybe research what is required to use the space. Set a date a few months from now and we get into chat and choose the best one from each location.

    Everyone look at the three final choices, and the people who are involved make the call. While I would want to get as many people as possible, we can't please them all. Hell, if it just ends up being 3 or 4 people putting it together, then so be it. I really beleive we have enough people around here to pull off a good meet.
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  3. #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    For her either Seattle or Portland

    For me it really doesn't much matter
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  4. #14
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    I'm very new here, but I hope I'll be around still and I'd be happy to help. I have no idea how to help. But I live in Portland and I'll keep an eye on this thread.
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  5. #15
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    As long as we're Dream Teamin' it for possibilities... What about the possibility of a Portland AND Seattle Meet all in the same weekend?!

    The way I see it working is mid-afternoon/early evening start on Friday for MeetnGreet and loose discussion of how everyone wants time to be spent then dinner somewhere and whatever part of the Meet can continue. Start again Saturday AM until early afternoon and end with enough time to travel to Seattle where Meet 2 starts late afternoon/early evening and repeats the same way ending Sunday evening.

    Depending on the inconvenience of that type of travel from Glen's perspective it may be the best of both worlds where nobody has much to compromise. And, I'm fairly sure that a day of shopping/dinner in Portland followed by a day of shopping/dinner in Seattle will be a no-brainer for any ladies thinking about attending. !!!

    Just a thought that may be easier in the long run and allow a core group of Portland Peeps and Seattle Peeps to help plan/coordinate.


  6. #16
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Sounds like another option. I'm starting to try and find a place in both Portland and Seattle that could work. What do you say that we set a timeline of having a "Chat" in early February to compare notes on good spots and narrow it down from their. Kinda like I layed out in the above post. I'm going to recovering from taking myself out of the gene pool about then, so will give me plenty of time to sit on the computer and call people if we need to. If we can figure out more at that time, we still 7 or 8 months till the meet.Shawn as far as the double city idea goes, it's certainly do able, but I would probably only hit up one or the other. Of course this is till a ways off and who knows what will be happening then.

    Good to see some discussion on this. Athair: Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I was able to make the last Spokane meet up (6 hr drive each way) and it was great.... tiring but great! Keep your eyes peeled for a restaurant with a large back room and a smaller hotel with a meeting room. Something like that. Remember that we are going to have 20+ (maybe up to 50 or so if we can do this right) people with extremely sharp object and are going to be asking for pitchers of water for honing and test shaves and what not. It's not going to be every business's cup of tea.
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    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I love the thought of having a west side meet-up - even if its every other time. 6hr drive each way on a Sunday is rough. 'Was dying to be at the last Spokane meet - had plans to go w/ Cudarunner. Noobs & intermediates - these meet-ups are hard to over sell. Any chance you can get to hang w/ experienced guys and learn will just rocket your skills ahead. And for all the fun toys to surround ourselves with - it really is about the skills. There's no place you can pick them up faster.
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  8. #18
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    I would love to catch a meet in either Portland or Seattle.


  9. #19
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    I live right downtown Seattle, and my SWMBOs family all live in Portland, I would certainly attend either of those meetups.

  10. #20
    Member backpacker93's Avatar
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    For myself either Centralia or Seattle would be close enough. That being said I would love to see this happen.
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