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Thread: Discussion: Portland/Seattle Meet...

  1. #1
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Default Discussion: Portland/Seattle Meet...

    This is a continuation of information that came up in the '4th Annual Fall Pacific Northwest Rendezvous' Thread...

    We have the Spring Meet in Yakima then the Fall Rendezvous in Spokane and I've read quite a few posts from people in the Seattle/Portland area that discuss difficulties with transportation/distance/etc... So, if there were a possibility for another Meet added in the Pac NW, what would we need to consider regarding:

    - Time- Since we have Spring covered and Fall covered the logical point would be to shoot for a Summer Meet. Ideas, preferences?

    - Location- Is there a Mid-Way spot between Portland and Seattle that would be preferable? Ideas, preferences? Did they finish the Light Rail that was supposed to run from Seattle to Portland? Considering that some people may not have/prefer to drive would there be a location that could serve those Members as well as any driving?

    - Duration- The Fall Meet is typically 1 day and Spring Meet is 2 day. What would be preferable for this Meet?

    - Contacts- Does anyone have Contacts for any of the above? And, someone mentioned contacting the various Shaving Related businesses to have them Sponsor or Display. Anyone have those kind of contacts or experience setting that type of thing up? I've done quite a few medical continuing education courses and that is how they are set up so I think that is a fantastic idea... Having Sponsor/s Host, Display or Present could be a great way to diversify cost.

    - Cost- Ideas on how to structure this or if this would be needed? We could certainly have this at a restaurant in a Banquet Room which is typically very reasonable or free. But, are there other considerations out there and, if so, how do we ensure raising and managing the money to support this? I am certainly not suggesting this is required... Just a prudent thing to consider during the development phases.

    - Structure- Are there Topics, Presenters, etc that you would like to have covered or considered?

    Anything else I missed or whatever just start shouting things out... I am just starting this Thread to allow a central location to discuss and see if this is doable... I'm happy to help out however but equally happy if people local to Portland/Seattle want to take over and roll with it.


  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I am honestly not opposed to moving the 5th Annual PNW from Spokane to the coast, we can always alternate if there is a call for it...
    If you are a Member at B&B you should post over there too, once we get a bit more of an idea, I know there are a few Seattle SR guys that would probably like to come..
    I can post at TSD once we get closer to a plan..

    The only time I am for sure out, is the Middle of July (7/17), Mom's B-day and the Denver Mile High Meet I don't miss either
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  3. #3
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Couple thoughts:

    I know the Amtrack runs from the lower end of the Willamette valley up to Seattle, so that should be a big help.

    I kind of like Glens idea of moving the Spokane meet over to the western side of the PNW vice having a 3rd meet-up. My reasoning behind this is that I believe we will have better attendance if we have fewer meets. Easier to schedule for and convince SWMBO to be able to attend 2 events a year than to try for 3 or 4.

    I think a 2 day event with a little structure would be nice. Have a workshop or two (e.g. honing, restoration, pinning..)(if certian individuals would be up to it) and maybe a topic based discusion or two (e.g. collecting, history, custom). If we could pull off one or two a gathering it would make for a great time. Would also allow a possible meet and greet. I think it would be great to BS with some of the individuals here.

    As far as cost and vendors. Maybe we want to see how it goes with getting people to show up the first year.... Not really sure on this one TBH. I do think it would be interesting to have vendors (makers, restorers, collectors, .....) there. The area I don't know about is if we do that, we area goinng to need more room which leads to a bigger space, which probably means renting a space, which starts to involve the handling of $$ and accountability. That can get ugly if not handled properly.

    All in all I think you are on the right track and it seems you are really puttin gsome thought into this.
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  4. #4
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    I forgot about the SWMBO part... Thanks for reminding me... We were in Portland once somewhere near a park by the river and there was a HUGE Flea Market/Fair/Dunno Whatcha Callit... There were rows and rows of booths and tables, rows and rows of food carts both inside warehouses and outside on the street with street musicians, etc... Not sure if that is just the Saturday Market or something else but it had at least 1/2-Full Day of SWMBO type entertainment and that was with me tagging along screwing up the event with testosterone. Timing around things like that which are initially free may be a great angle to make it a Family Thing for a whole weekend.

  5. #5
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Portland has a amazing Saturday market. Not a bad idea to have some easy entertainment for SWMBO close by.
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  6. #6
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Amtrak Train and Bus Stations in the Northwest

    Looks like Centralia is the mid-point about 80 some miles from either Seattle or Portland and it does have an Amtrak stop.

    So, that narrows the location down a bit and looks to be a good spot for travel as you can access via I-5 or Highway 12 coming in from the East.

    Hotels Near Centralia Amtrak Station WA Washington

    Above is a link of Hotels ranked from nearest Amtrak Station to furthest.

    Does anyone have any specific knowledge of Centralia or any local resources there to support a Meet?

  7. #7
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    I just sent an email out requesting info from the Olympic Club. Looks like they have a meeting room that you can reserve for free as long a certain amount of food and drinks are per ordered.

    Here are a few Links
    Here and here
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    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to MattCB For This Useful Post:

    Prahston (10-07-2013)

  9. #8
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome back to the 'Matt & Shawn Show' brought to you by GSSixgun Productions... I just flew in to give this Thread a {Bump} and boy are my arms tired... Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck. ;-)

    Looks like we've got some basic information covered but nothing from anyone that actually lives in/around Centralia to confirm we are on the right track and nothing from anyone who was unable to attend the 2013 Spring or Fall Meet due to distance, travel or inconvenience. And, no replies from Portland/Seattle Area people aside from Matt.

    Barring further interest/inquiry I'll let this Thread die after this final bump... It can be resurrected or referenced as needed in the future.

    Happy Holidays!


  10. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Personally the wifey was looking forward to there being a Seattle or Portland Meet, so I hope that there is a bit more interest..
    We both love Seattle, and we have good ole' friends near Portland so either place is good for us...
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  11. #10
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    Did a location or date ever get picked for this?
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