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Thread: Asheville NC meetup ; April 26-27th

  1. #181
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    Default Asheville NC meetup ; April 26-27th

    Looking good.
    Last edited by rickboone; 03-24-2014 at 01:02 AM. April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  2. #182
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Well, I'm not about to give mine away, but I could bring Kevin/hidestoart's awesome strop and demo it, talk about what a great piece of craftsmanship it is, etc. Kevin-If you have any you'd like to sell, I'll be glad to help you promote or advertise. (Sorry I don't look like a bikini model at the car shows, though.). Let me know. Aaron

  3. #183
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    Default Asheville NC meetup ; April 26-27th

    It's all coming together.
    Last edited by rickboone; 03-24-2014 at 01:01 AM. April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  4. #184
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I would suggest that if a person wants a pasted striop/linen/felt that they bring the strop and I can provide the abrasives and time.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  5. #185
    Senior Member hidestoart's Avatar
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    Good News,

    I was able to get another block of 10 rooms at the Crowne Plaze for $104.00 per night. The last block went in less that 6 hours so you may want to move on this if you are coming. When this block is gone, I will not be able to get any more discounted rooms.
    To register click on the link, select the date you are checking in. this is located on the left side of the page. Do not change the rate leave it at best rate and check availability.

    Crowne Plaza Resort Asheville - Asheville, North Carolina

    Hope to see you there

    Last edited by hidestoart; 03-24-2014 at 10:38 PM.
    A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check, made payable to the United States of America, "for an amount up to and including my life".

  6. #186
    Shaving Monk CJBianco's Avatar
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    I hate to ask, because it seems everywhere has wifi these days, but...will there be wifi?


  7. #187
    Senior Member hidestoart's Avatar
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    C.J. I hate to say it but there is no open WIFI.

    Quote Originally Posted by CJBianco View Post
    I hate to ask, because it seems everywhere has wifi these days, but...will there be wifi?
    A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check, made payable to the United States of America, "for an amount up to and including my life".

  8. #188
    Senior Member hidestoart's Avatar
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    Hey Guys

    Two valued members of the team are out of town this weekend so I am going to post the directions for the Meet up in my drop box. When Randydance & Warpiper get back I will ask them to put it in the main event drop box to keep all information in 1 place. As the event gets closer please feel free to PM and ask questions. I understand there are still a couple of rooms left at the Crown Plaza & the quality inn.

    See Crown Plaza link in post # 185 in this thread for booking.

    Driving directions

    I hope to see as many people there as possible, this is shaping up to be the biggest event yet with over 40 people signed up.

    The team has put together as of this time:

    3 Hone Miesters doing demos 2 times a day each. (Lynn Abrams - Randydance - Utopian) Sunday as well - See Schedule Be sure to scroll all the way down to see the entire schedule

    Restoration demos during the day

    Stropping area set up with help (Strops and Razors included) for the newer people wanting to perfect their technique running all day.

    Barber hone demos going on during the day and help with using them.

    General help and information 1 on 1 all day long

    Brush making demos going on during the day.

    A microscope station with multiple scopes to check you edges and understand what you are looking for.

    And if the SWMBO is coming along, we have an event plan for them also. They will take in such places as the River Arts district. NC. State Arboretum, Biltmore house (For those that want to go) Biltmore village cafe's and browsing.
    Please PM me if your other half would like to join the tour group.

    Well that is it for now we will keep you updated as we get closer.

    Last edited by hidestoart; 03-30-2014 at 01:03 AM.
    A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check, made payable to the United States of America, "for an amount up to and including my life".

  9. #189
    Member bhorsoft's Avatar
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    I'm in and set to go. Glad no wi-fi. Mean's I can leave the laptop at home and not be bothered by work -- and they have been pulling my leash on the weekends as of late.
    32t and hidestoart like this.

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    hidestoart (04-02-2014)

  11. #190
    Senior Member lindyhop66's Avatar
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    And maybe people can get away from their cell phone addiction while there, as well.
    hidestoart likes this.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to lindyhop66 For This Useful Post:

    hidestoart (04-02-2014)

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