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Thread: Asheville NC meetup ; April 26-27th

  1. #371
    Senior Member lindyhop66's Avatar
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    I had a great time in Asheville Saturday, but had to swing dance in Greensboro that night. Beautiful weather. Great guys. Learned a lot. Lots of free stuff. Thanks to SRD, I won a strop. Will use it today.

    Joe Chandler, razor maker from Louisiana and a Scottish member were there sporting kilts. They brought one for Lynn Abrams.

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  2. #372
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I just got home from this awesome meetup, and I didn't really take many pictures, as I was too busy playing with hones, strops, razors, and other toys! It was my 1st big meetup (meaning not in someone's dining room), one of the most fun days I can remember, and I think I learned more yesterday than in my previous 4 years or so in the hobby. A few highlights:

    -Seeing bbdad aka Kevin again, not mention having a great outdoor lunch with him, my wife, and CJ Bianco
    -meeting boostdemon aka Dana-awesome beard, guy!
    -picking up more stropping tips from pfries aka Pat-what a guy!
    -meeting and talking to/learning from Stropper aka Richard
    -watching Brian aka shavingsnob win the Ralf Aust razor and beautiful SRD strop. I hate that kid-no, but seriously, the enthusiasm of him and some of the other new guys for stropping, honing, and razors in general was inspiring
    -meeting and talking to Simon, as well as Joe Chandler and Spazola aka Charlie (who drove the backroads up from Texas!), and admiring their stunning custom razors!
    -watching Mephisto aka James show how my hones are REALLY used!
    -sniffing all of Moosiker's (aka Michael Cobb) aftershaves. I swear I had on 2 dozen different aftershaves before I left yesterday.
    -meeting lots of other new guys from both SRP and B&B-Dr. Awkward aka Ed Sharp, greatbolo aka Baxter, Greg the Army Captain (forgot his screen name), Java aka Tom, MisterMoo, Patrick, and others whose names escape me at the moment.

    And again, most of all, thanks to the fine team of men who put this together from the bottom of my heart:
    *CJ Bianco aka Christopher Bianco for his fine company on the drive up, his educational demonstrations on barber hones and coticules (and the Dalwhinnie 15, which I hope he didn't consume too much of after we left!).
    *Warpiper aka Chris Benoit (or is it ben-wa, I'm still confused?) for dealing with all the frustrating roster issues, the harrowing ride down the mountain, and the excellent homemade cheesecake!
    *Rick Boone for the truckload of incredible goodies he brought from so many vendors. We were like kids at Christmas, and all got to take home a bag of goodies. He is truly a master at working with vendors, and I will have to do business with some of them soon!
    *Utopian aka Ron, for his mesmerizing stories, for patiently walking me through a honing issue on a troublesome Wade and Butcher, and for so generously letting me play with his stones, and finishing off my previously Nani 12k edges out on his Gokumyo 20 k. To quote him, "That stone is *$@*kin' awesome!" I concur.
    *Walleyeman aka Ray for the slivovitz (I think), for letting me admire his stunning brushes all day, and especially for letting me take home the pick of the litter. (I'll post pics and a review later).
    *Lynn Abrams of SRP for his great honing demo, all the SRD goodies he brought, his unflagging efforts to help newbies all day long, and for the fine dinner company along with his beautiful wife
    *Randydance aka Randy Tuttle for his expertise, all the great pictures and videos, and for just being such a long-time ambassador for wet-shaving.
    *Nipper aka Joe Neer for handling the sign-ins (turns out he was a neighbor years ago-small world!).

    And lastly, guys, if you didn't know it, hidestoart aka Kevin Adams (our forum's strop artisan) put weeks of work and countless hours into running down all the logistics of the event; he even came through with gorgeous, sunny Asheville weather. He and his lovely wife Joyce (not to mention Willie and the hummingbirds) opened up their stunning mountain home to an unforgettable evening of fun, food, and fellowship. He is a man I am proud and honored to call a friend. I love you man (but not in a prison shower kind of way (you had to be there)).

    These guys are some of the nicest, most helpful, interesting, and generous people I have ever had the privilege to meet and get to know.

    I never did see that chopper, though?!

    Later-SHD aka Aaron

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to ScoutHikerDad For This Useful Post:

    CJBianco (04-29-2014)

  4. #373
    Senior Member Moosiker's Avatar
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    Moosiker/Dr Mike's Photos from the Asheville Meetup!

    Many thanks to everyone who joined the fun of this weekend. I learned a huge amount, enjoy meeting some new shave folks, and had a grand time taking photos.

    Thanks to all the instructors, honers, stroppers, and talented individuals who helped make this event awesome.

    Rick - well done in organizing the "prize vault"
    Kevin - thanks for having an incredible venue for this event (and never ending coffee)

    Hope to see everyone again soon!

  5. #374
    Senior Member Moosiker's Avatar
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    Name:  IMG_0003-001.jpg
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Size:  59.9 KB Sniffing the "Electric Sheep"

  6. #375
    Senior Member Moosiker's Avatar
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    Some incredible prizes and great gifts!

  7. #376
    Sum Dum Gai ShavingSnob's Avatar
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    Hey Guys - Finally back home and taking a minute to upload up a couple of photos from Saturday. Sorry for the poor quality as these were just some quick cell phone pics. What a great time!

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  8. #377
    Sum Dum Gai ShavingSnob's Avatar
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    Default So Many Thanks!

    I wanted to take a moment to try to acknowledge most everyone I met and to thank everyone I had the wonderful opportunity to learn from over the weekend. This post won't come close to replicating the detailed 'account and thanks' offered by Aaron, but I feel compelled to give it a go nonetheless.

    As articulated above by Aaron, this took planning. One could see such from simply looking around - not to mention all the stuff from the donating vendors, the location, and the magnitude of tools, hones, and razors - all of it was truly awe-inspiring.

    I must offer a special thanks to the following folks who poured themselves into this effort. They donated much more than their time to forward what some of us refer to as a hobby, but others have recognized as a true passion.
    • Kevin (hidestoart)
    • Rick (rickboone)
    • Randy (Randydance)
    • Chris (Warpiper)
    • Ron (Utopian)
    • Lynn (lynn Abrams)
    • Aaron (ScoutHikerDad)

    Gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to share so much of what you do and who you are with folks you've only met in an online forum. Such certainly speaks loudly of your good character.

    Randy - So many thanks for taking the time to show me the proper rolling-x stroke and for demonstrating what heavy pressure, light pressure, and "butterfly kisses" really mean. You are a scholar and I sincerely hope I have an opportunity to work with you again in the future.

    Rick - You certainly poured yourself into this effort and it really showed. You reminded me of a Conductor of an orchestra; so much going on all at once while you were orchestrating and coordinating. I can't believe some of the stuff you came up with as door prizes and the free give-aways - absolutely amazing!

    Chris - The organizer. With Joe's and Richard's help, you three seemed to have a handle on the head count and paperwork, which is sometimes an unrecognized necessity. I'm glad I got a chance to meet you guys.

    Ron - I just thought I had too many hones, now really understand what HAD is. You are a wealth of knowledge, and you have some really, really, cool toys . . . er, um, I mean tools, yeah really cool tools. I hope to make a future meet where I can continue to pick your brain.

    Lynn - I'm truly glad I got to meet you. As I said to you on Saturday, it's funny when you see someone on a video that you’ve watched so many times because you feel like you know them when you really don't (and they obviously don't know you either). However, simply stated, you are genuine. You have a passion for this stuff, and I saw example after example of that fact as you didn't mind sharing that passion and your personal time with everyone, beginner to novice, over and over again. I can only offer so many thanks for sparking something that has opened a world to so many of us that we would have never known otherwise.

    Aaron - The humble Teacher. I saw where so many others were bragging on your stropping ability in the thread prior to the meet-up and once I got a chance to witness it I understood why. You have 'glide,' and like the others above, you didn't mind taking the time to work with so many folks. You were quick to thank others in your above post, but you also had a hand in this effort. My thanks to you.

    Kevin - The man behind the curtain. Yes, whether you realize it or not, many of us realized just how much you put into all this. I could tell by the number of items we loaded into your truck when the meet was over, and by how much stuff needed to be put back where it came from, much of the logistics behind this Meet-Up was your doing. Kudos! You successfully pulled off a well coordinated and well planned effort - I would expect no less from an experienced Project Manager. You more than delivered - thank you.

    Now, here's where I'm going to fail. There's no way I can begin to name everyone that made such a positive impression on me. But, here are a few:
    Joe (Nipper)
    Ray (Walleyeman)
    Richard (Stropper)
    Charlie (Spazola)
    Pat (pfries)
    Tom (Java)
    Michael (Moosiker)

    I'm sorry, but there are so many more of you, and shamefully I'm forgetting your names at the moment. I hope I get the opportunity to hang out with all of you again. Thanks for the great conversations and the sharing of ideas.


  9. The Following User Says Thank You to ShavingSnob For This Useful Post:

    ScoutHikerDad (04-28-2014)

  10. #378
    Senior Member Warpiper's Avatar
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    Just got home and my head is still spinning with all that I learned over the past 2 days. I want to say a big thank you to all of those who put on the meet up and to all those who came out. We folks come in from WI, KS, MO, TN, KY, NC, SC, GA. The wealth of knowledge, the amount stones and equipment, and the overwhelming desire to help anyone who asked was amazing. There was a true fellowship. To say I learned more in those 2 days than I would have in 2+ years is truly an understatement.

  11. #379
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    Wish I had java teach me to tie a bowtie. April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  12. #380
    Senior Member lindyhop66's Avatar
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    Some photos taken Saturday at the meet up. The first is the giant razor that let us know we had found the right location.

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    A damaged edge being worked on by Lynn, as seen on scope and screen.

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    Serious-looking gadgetry.

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    Joe (nipper) and James (mephisto) from our Triangle area group in North Carolina

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    Lynn during his honing talk

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    Straight Razor collection a member brought along.

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    Two tables of giveaways

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    Honing set ups

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    Woodturner's beautiful brush handles and other brushes

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    The woodturner

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    Rick Boone honing

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    Lynn getting serious with the hones

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