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Thread: Asheville NC meetup ; April 26-27th

  1. #411
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warpiper View Post
    Well, if you and Randy will be wearing kilts next year, I guess I'll have to wear mine too. I'll bring my bag pipes too to provide some soothing honing music.
    Hey I beg you to bring the bagpipes you and simon coulda had a heck of a sing along April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  2. #412
    Always Thinkun walleyeman's Avatar
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    Hello all, returned home safely. Hope everyone else has too. From our hotel in Asheville to my garage door was 12 hrs. and 15 minutes. Non stop, just fuel and bathroom breaks. Took the northern route home covering 6 states and yes we hit St. Louis exactly as planned for the rush hour in a driving rain storm. We returned yesterday, arriving home at 7:30 pm. Got unloaded, pet the dogs, saw Zac off to school for the week and ate dinner. Grabbed the laptop to post updates. Woke up in my easy chair about 12:45 pm with the laptop open and started but thats as far as I got. I will post later with a little more detail and thanks. Got to get to the store and check on emails and yadda, yadda, yadda.
    Feel today like I have driven for a month. My backside still has the marks from the leather stitching and seams!!
    Will catch up later though!!


  3. #413
    Senior Member Java's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warpiper View Post
    Well, if you and Randy will be wearing kilts next year, I guess I'll have to wear mine too. I'll bring my bag pipes too to provide some soothing honing music.
    I laughed when Simon walked in, because up until the day before, I had been planning on driving the car up, and wearing one of my kilts on Saturday. They get a bit breezy on the bike, though, so when my wife decided she needed my car, I had to wear pants. Next time I'll be in one, even if I have to change into it when I get there. So next question; anyplace to get decent haggis in Ashville?

  4. #414
    Senior Member AntiqueHoosier's Avatar
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    Looks like you all had a nice time and nobody really even resembled a Trekkie
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  5. #415
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Many years ago I lived in Murphy. Played all over Buck Bald, etc. Anyone from around there?
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  6. #416
    Senior Member Moosiker's Avatar
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    Default Some links I mentioned at the meet

    Mustache Wax: The Peppermint Mustache Wax

    Fine Aftershaves: Good smelling stuff!

    Again, I really enjoyed having a chance to geek out with SRP again. Thanks to all the organizers for their hard work!
    ScoutHikerDad likes this.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Moosiker For This Useful Post:

    hidestoart (04-29-2014)

  8. #417
    Senior Member hidestoart's Avatar
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    There are so many thank you's to extend that I will not mention names at this time for fear of over looking someone. It would take me a full web page to cover all of them.

    What can I say? it was better than we hoped in every aspect. Lynn, Ron Randy, Charlie & Richard you guys sure did your part on showing the new and old people an idea or two about how to take care of their gear.

    It was good for me to be able to put a face with a screen name, to be able to just sit and talk about the one common denominator we have (Razors) As for me it is a passion more than a hobby. To be able to learn from others is always a BIG + for me. I feel that this helped get my information level up quite a bit.

    I want to thank all of you for taking the time to come and share your knowledge and just hang out. I know it cost you to do this. I just hope you got as much out of it as you had hoped. Thank you for posting the pictures and helping at every turn when ask, for sharing you knowledge with each other.

    I do want to personally thank 4 groups of people, once again I am not listing names – You know who you are.

    1. The group that came in and help set up Friday night. Without your help it would have been chaos on Saturday morning and this old cowboy would have had a stroke doing it alone.

    2. The group that stayed to help put everything back together Sunday night. I am still in awe to think about the miles you still had to drive but stayed and helped when you could have driven away and did it all with a smile.

    3. The team that worked behind the scenes to put this together. You all pulled off the impossible with only 2 months and 2 days you worked together to have the biggest meetup ever.

    4. The donation Jar – Nipper and Warpiper went over the receipts of the out of pocket expenses for the event coffee, paper towels water, Ice, etc those expenses were covered and there was $95.00 left over. Nipper will be sending this amount to the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) at Fort Leonard Wood MO. To further their cause and help a wounded veteran.
    (Joe, Would you put a letter in with the check, Please tell them this is a small token of our thanks for what they do for us and sign it Asheville Meetup 2014)

    I also want to thank Tucker Garrison our brush turner from Brevard NC. that came in with klingspor he was willing to let guys have a hand at turning and made some wonderful brushes for us to see. Colman, Fourshee GM for Klingspor. We would like to thank you for coming and showing us your line of produces. I know after talking to the guys at the end of the meetup you made quite an impression. We hope you enjoyed being with us as much as we did with you.

    I will post a few pictures later, but am going to back out now, going watch the post and not hog the thread.

    Thanks again

    A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check, made payable to the United States of America, "for an amount up to and including my life".

  9. #418
    Senior Member Warpiper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java View Post
    I laughed when Simon walked in, because up until the day before, I had been planning on driving the car up, and wearing one of my kilts on Saturday. They get a bit breezy on the bike, though, so when my wife decided she needed my car, I had to wear pants. Next time I'll be in one, even if I have to change into it when I get there. So next question; anyplace to get decent haggis in Ashville?
    We might just have to start a tradition!! LOL!!
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  10. #419
    Senior Member Warpiper's Avatar
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    Here is the itsapeech barber's hone that cjbianco gave me. Its a sweet stone. Thanks Christopher.

    Name:  IMG_0517.jpg
Views: 175
Size:  10.1 KB

    And here is the brush Tucker turned for me. The knot is from Kevin (hidestoart).

    Name:  IMG_0516.jpg
Views: 169
Size:  9.3 KB

  11. #420
    Shaving Monk CJBianco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I'll be ordering a couple kilts soon!
    My older brother wears them all the time. He even plays/teaches bagpipes in VA. (He's always been fascinated with our Scottish heritage; mother's maiden name was McClain.) Maybe I'll see about borrowing one for next year. =)


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