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Thread: Oregon Knife Show April 10th-12th

  1. #1
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Default Oregon Knife Show April 10th-12th

    I have been very happy with how the Seattle meet turned out and find myself looking forward to seeing folks again. A few different member have mentioned how it might be a neat idea to get together and attend a knife show. Great opportunity to see some great edged tools, show off some of our own merchandise, teach some folks about straight shaving, and maybe give a honing demonstration

    After talking with Mike Blue I got the gumption up to reach out to the Oregon Knife Collectors Association. They put on and run the Oregon Knife Show in Eugene Oregon every year. From everything I have heard it is one of the biggest in the country and is pretty well known. After making contact they seem more than interested in having a group of straight razor folks having a table or two set up.

    I do not know about money at this time, as we may be able to get a discount for putting on a demo or something similar. I am primarily looking to see who would be interested in attending. Eugene Oregon is about 1.5hrs from my parents place and this is happening the same month as my birthday so I WILL be going. If worst comes to worst I have no issue footing the bill for the table and bunking up with someone at a hotel. Others would still be responsible for their own food and transport.

    Anyways, anyone interested?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    it's good of you to organise this, hopefully some of the Oregonians will come to the party.
    All the best
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  3. #3
    "My words are of iron..."
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    I'm going to be at the show. Hopefully more than just a few show up. I already have a table and will most certainly give up some space for razors if they show up to be shown.

    It would be cool if we could pull a lecture/show and tell together and get one of the conference rooms to concentrate on razors for any who are interested. There are a lot of small conference lectures going on.
    Last edited by Mike Blue; 12-19-2014 at 03:38 PM.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    I'm just hoping for some good company. I would really like to see us getting a table or a side room but we can grow in to that if the interest isn't there yet.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Well, I'm going to reserve a table sometime this week. I hope that one or two people will tag along or at least make it to the show to look around and chat. Should be a good time. I plan on bringing my hones and my project pile just working through them. It will be great to meet Mike Blue as well, so that will be a treat After this is over I can start thinking about next Septembers Seattle meet-up.
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  6. #6
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    I have wanted to go to the Eugene Knife Show since moving here in '97...Family Obligations, Distance, Budget and my Wife's Birthday (April 10th) have thus far proven sufficient challenge and I haven't made it yet. :-/ My goal remains to see Butch or Rainy Valloton's work in real-time!!

    It is still far enough away I'll bet things fall together for you, Matt... Maybe one of the Portland Area Members will be eager to save gas money and tag along. If there is anything I can do to help support just let me know.

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  7. #7
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Thanks, I will let you know how it goes
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  8. #8
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    So I have reserved a table and got a hotel room for the weekend. I am going to be at table F13. I plan on stopping by Mike Blues table and seeing his creations and taking a ton of pictures. I have a lot of razors I will be bringing and some basic material on what a straight is and how it works. If anyone else is around please let me know, we can get some food or a drink and I have an extra bed in the room if someone needs to crash.
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  9. #9
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Excited to hear how the Knife Show went, Matt!! Safe travels and hope all went well beyond your expectations!!
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  10. #10
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Well, besides being exhausted I had a great time. Super nice folks who run the show and a really great crowd of people. While I was there I was able to meet and chat with Joe Edson. Joe is a blade smith out of Corvallis, OR. He has put out quite a few custom razors that I have seen pictures of on the forums. Super nice guy and he had a few beautiful knives on display.

    One of the highlights for me was getting to talk with Mike Blue. We missed each other on the first day but got to chat a bit on Sunday. Have you ever had the chance to talk with someone and realize how little you actually know about a subject? The depth of knowledge that Mike displayed in out 15 minute conversation left me a little in awe. Besides that, Mike is a very nice gentleman and I would recommend anyone who has the chance to talk with him go out of their way to do so. I only wish I was a little more rested up and a better conversationalist

    While I was there I had the opportunity to speak with two blacksmiths who live in the Seattle area and are looking to get into razor making. I invited them to drop in here and ask questions and to come to the next Seattle meet-up. If you want to take a peek at their stuff go to Maumasi Fire Arts - The life and art of bladesmith, Mareko Maumasi. and Sideros Designs. The knives I saw at the show were stunning.

    While I didn't get to take pics of the above mentioned work, I did get a few good shots of the show.
    My booth:
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    End up selling five straights, seven safety razors and two brushes. I had a LOT of fun talking to people about shaving and gave out about 60 business cards with forum info on it.
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

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