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Thread: Denver Meet January 27th 2018

  1. #51
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Looks like you guys had a great time.

    I see Victor and Jerry, so I know you were in good hands.

    I'd still like to put names with the other faces.
    It's also fantastic to see a young guy with a razor in his hand and a hone in front of him on the table.
    Someday I'd love to come to Denver!
    Great job men.

    Pete <:-}
    Geezer and outback like this.
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  2. #52
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    I recognize Jerry (Gasman), but who are the rest of you.!?
    Clockwise from the waitress in the mirror; neehooya, bluesman7 [Victor], 719 Logan, Joe Calton, Vance Calton, Boz, and gasman. Lasarus also stopped by and generously donated several items to the giveaway, but left before the picture was taken.
    Last edited by bluesman7; 01-28-2018 at 04:12 PM.

  3. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to bluesman7 For This Useful Post:

    Gasman (01-28-2018), outback (01-28-2018), petercp4e (01-28-2018), spazola (01-28-2018)

  4. #53
    Senior Member caltoncutlery's Avatar
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    neehooya, congrats on the knife, I am glad that you like it, and I hope you cook something delicious with it!

    719logan, remind me for the next meet, and ill try to bring another one :}

    Vance and I had a great time! was very cool to meet everyone and to see all the razors! Vic's microscope was a real eye opener, and ive got to see if I cant get my scope to show me more, and if I cant, then pick up a better one.

    And that waitress........ she brought me one of those magic, never empty cups of coffee that gave me an insane caffine buzz that didn't end until a couple hours after we got home. will have to watch her like a hawk next time..... :}

    oh, and Vance said he had a good time....... with a little luck maybe I can get him in front of the forge and have him make a couple razors :}

  5. #54
    boz is offline
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    719 Logan put a J nat finish on one of my Shumate razors, very nice shave today.
    A healthy skepticism of both old and new ideas is essential to learning.

  6. #55
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    Thank you again for a great meet.
    Joe - that knife is spectacular. I need to drive up North to learn from you how you hone properly.
    Jeff - thank you for J-nat edge, I shaved with it, it's baby smooth. I actually like a lot.

  7. #56
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neehooya View Post
    Thank you again for a great meet.
    Joe - that knife is spectacular. I need to drive up North to learn from you how you hone properly.
    Jeff - thank you for J-nat edge, I shaved with it, it's baby smooth. I actually like a lot.
    Let me know when you are going to WY, I'll go along and we'll get you forging. Joe has invited me several times.

  8. #57
    Senior Member caltoncutlery's Avatar
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    neehooya, sure, you and blues are welcome most anytime. just give me a couple days heads up if you can.

    we can do some sharpening, some honing, some forging, grinding, ect.... to tide you over, you can take a look at my youtube thingy, just go to youtube and type in joe calton into the search, and you will find me pretty quick, I have at least a dozen sharpening videos on there. and very soon there will be a ton more........ since the texas meet, ive ordered what looks to be a pretty nice stereo scope 4-180 power that I can hook my Nikon up to, so should be able to really look at edges and take some nice pictures. and just downloaded some video editing software this morning so I can make better youtube vids to help folks out even more :}

  9. #58
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    Will do for sure, many thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by caltoncutlery View Post
    neehooya, sure, you and blues are welcome most anytime. just give me a couple days heads up if you can.

    we can do some sharpening, some honing, some forging, grinding, ect.... to tide you over, you can take a look at my youtube thingy, just go to youtube and type in joe calton into the search, and you will find me pretty quick, I have at least a dozen sharpening videos on there. and very soon there will be a ton more........ since the texas meet, ive ordered what looks to be a pretty nice stereo scope 4-180 power that I can hook my Nikon up to, so should be able to really look at edges and take some nice pictures. and just downloaded some video editing software this morning so I can make better youtube vids to help folks out even more :}
    bluesman7 and Gasman like this.

  10. #59
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I will ha e to check out your vids. Im not to the point id want to start forging but its fun to watch and learn how others do things. BTW, glad to meet ya at the gathering.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  11. #60
    Senior Member caltoncutlery's Avatar
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    there is more than just forging on my channel. while I'm a knifemaker and tend to make mostly knifemaking videos, there is also sharpening, grinding, and then the offtopic videos that sort of relate to knives like building machines, metal casting, some on hunting and rifles, butchering and cooking, ect..... I think I'm up to around 120 videos or so

    good to meet you at the gathering also, and I'm looking forward to the next one!
    Bruno, neehooya and Gasman like this.

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to caltoncutlery For This Useful Post:

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