I am interested in organizing a small straight razor get together in the Southern California area and was wondering how many people would be interested in participating. My tentative plans are to hold it on a Saturday afternoon (the date is still undecided at the point) in either my home in Los Angeles (Rancho Palos Verdes) or the Recreation Center in my housing complex. The activities will be partially dictated by the size and composition of the group that attends but some of my plans include food, drinks, straight razor/hone show and tell, buy/sell/trade, product sampling, general question and answer time, honing lessons (beginning or advanced topics), and maybe some other fun gentleman stuff like cigars, wine, scotch, etc. We can add or take away activities depending on what the group wants. Right now I am interested in finding out who would like to come to this type of event, when you would be available, what other activities you would like to do, what specific topics if any you would like to learn about or teach, and of course your contact information. I will update everyone as more of the details get finalized.

David Polan