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Thread: Northeast Ohio Roundup
02-10-2008, 09:49 PM #1
Northeast Ohio Roundup
WOW. I had sensory overload until noon today.
Let's see, how do I start. How about THANKS to Taz, BillS and Lynn for putting this together. More thanks go to Classic Shaving, Vintage Blades, Hand American, Colleen, Mama Bear for door prizes. Even more thanks to JoshEarl, Tim Z, Lynn and Topher for the honing lessons handed out to everyone interested.
I personnally want to thank Cannonfodder for letting me hitch a ride with him, Junkinduck for sharing his Makers Mark with us and thanks to the fellow whom I got a fill of the pipe from (Sorry I didn't catch your name, It was that sensory overload thing) and Matt (I think, Michigan guy, uses a feather but we can change him) for all the discussion of guns and guitars.
I have never seen so much shaving stuff in one place. Tim Z's blades are awesome, Lynn had so many nice ones that my head was spinning while looking at them, Ditto for Don. Probably every hone that has been discussed on the forum was present as well. Strops galore and brushes too. It was cool looking at our blades under Tims' microscopes.
Honing techniques and principles varied, but the end result was all very much the same. I have been at it off and on today trying out my new info aquired. Must - resist - buying - hones.
Great dinner. Hill N Dale is a very nice facility. Other than the freak snowstorm with lightining on the way home, the 2 1/2 trip wasn't bad.
I'm sure I'm missing a few things but we'll all be reminded of our antics in days to come.
P.S. You didn't think I would forget to thank Lynn for one of the grand prize donation of a seven day set Eagle razors with mother of pearl scales and beautiful side car razor. He even drew my ticket to be the lucky / fortunate / shocked / happy recipient of this set. If BillS doesn't have pictures to post of it, I'll get some up soon. You WILL NOT see these on the B/S/T forum (First thing PoppaSmurf asked). I am humbled and honored. Thank you Lynn
Last edited by kilowattkid; 02-10-2008 at 09:52 PM.
02-10-2008, 10:34 PM #2
Mods, Please move to Northeast Ohio sticky if appropriate. I just thought a post party post might be required.
02-10-2008, 10:35 PM #3
Dude! Congratulations! What a "door" prize! Sweet!
02-10-2008, 10:37 PM #4
02-10-2008, 10:45 PM #5
- Join Date
- Jan 2008
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- 3,446
Thanked: 416Sounds like you guys had a great time!! And congrats on the razors. Can't wait till we do something like this in the Carolinas anyone up for a trip to Asheville Maybe at the builtmore house? Just an Idea!
02-10-2008, 10:52 PM #6
- Join Date
- Apr 2007
- Location
- St. Paul, MN, USA
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- 2,401
Thanked: 335It sounds like it was a wonderful get-together and I wish I could have been there to meet, chat with, and learn from the luminaries of the SRP.
Now, if only we could move it closer to Minnesota... maybe next year.
02-10-2008, 11:17 PM #7
Some heard and overheard quotes:
Dinner table-
me to RalphS : what do you do for a living?
RalphS - I'm an attorney
Str8Razor - What kind?
RalphS - Litigation. Product liability.
Me () - I'm trying to get over the irony of a liability lawyer using a STR8
RalphS -- even a lawyer knows if you use sharp thing you can cut yourself.
HHMM. A lawyer with common sense. It was great to meet you Ralph (with 2 razors now), Enjoyed dinner and talking with you.
__________________________________________________ _________
Honing with Joshearl
Josh - If you are restoring an Ebay special and you have more than 10 minutes on the 8K norton and it's not sharp, you're wasting your time.
Me - looking over at Lynn's hone on the table and seeing at least 2 norton 4k/8k with the 4k side nearly gone and 8k side nice and thick - "Uhhmm, O.K."
__________________________________________________ _________
In the kitchen and watching some honing , I here a god awful screech of metal on metal. All eyes turn to look, and Tim Z. was working on a razor for TAZ (knick) and had the heel scraping on a diamond metal plate
JoshEarl - Uhhmm, That might leave a groove in the plate.
Tim Z. - Don't worry, I know what I'm doing
Who was going to argue with that
Friday someone gives Will a big ole' cigar
Will- that's not a cigar, that's a commitment.
That my friends is funny stuff.
Overheard - Newlyweds Poppasmurf on phone
Poppa - My plane lands at 7, I'll be home around 7:30 a.m. ; I'll wake you up in a nice way
Me - coming home around 2 in the morning (16 years married)- Hi honey (she's asleep). Smooch smooch, kiss kiss.
Her- you can play with your guitar, you play with your razors, but you ain't playin' with me!
Me _ Damn!
That my friends is not funny
All kidding aside, I had a GREAT time. Everyone was fantastic and a pleasure to speak with. With all the items laying about, you are all honest men with integrity and adhere to the definition true gentlemen. I am honored to have met each and everyone of you.
02-11-2008, 04:26 AM #8
02-11-2008, 04:29 AM #9
Bill S the Hill n' Dale was a wonderful venue and the food was top notch. The steak was as good as I have had in a while. Lynn and Don your razors are amazing. The Williams, Zowada, Chandler, and Livi razors are even more amazing in real life. Will and Jim I feel better about sending both of you my money, you guys are great. Tim Z is a blast to talk to and has no secerets about the magic of his blades. I hope to get a Zowada soon, Meeting him makes the blades even more special. Coleen (TGQ), Mamma Bear, Hand American, Classic Shaving, Vintage Blades, and anyone I missed thanks for the door prizes. I won one of two Ray DuPont founders razors Will at Classic Shaving donated for door prizes. Thanks to Lynn for getting my John Barber to shave so well. And thanks to all who attended without the people it just wouldn't have been the same
02-11-2008, 05:17 AM #10
I haven't said anything about the get-together yet because I don't even know where to start. The whole even went smoothly, the conversation was great, the food was great...
Don and Bill, thanks so much for your hard work organizing this shindig.
Tim Z, thanks a million for the encouragement and feedback.
Lynn, thanks for being such a cool, encouraging guy. And for the loaner razors.
Thanks to the vendors for their generosity.
And thanks to the rest of the guys who attended, shared their expertise and asked great questions. Teaching this stuff hands on is so much easier...