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  1. #131
    < Banned User > John Crowley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dewey View Post
    We had a great time. I wanted to send out some special Thank Yous to everyone for coming and to all the guys and vendors who supported the event with some fantastic give-aways:

    John Crowley http://shavingshop.comwho volunteered to do a honing class and then raffled off a fantastic Friodur Cryo-tempered 8/8 (!!!!) razor (dang, I thought 32 entries on my behalf would make me the winner, but Spazola took the prize!).

    Traveller (Gary Alfonso) who donated three sets of his awesome customized scales and even sent a box of sample stuff to give the winners some great ideas.

    Howard from http:// who donated a cotigura stone and free shipping on their next order.

    Kenrup from http:// who drove all the way from San Antonio and donated an awesome Horsehide Travel Strop to the raffle.

    Jockeys who attended and brought his homemade glycerine soap for the raffle - man, that Clove Cinnamon smelled awesome (Vgod, let us know how it lathers up!) And the homemade Bay Rum whiff was inspiring, too!

    And I brought some of my own pre/post Lavender shave oil to raffle as well.

    Needless to say, we had lots of fun and we all got a fire lit under our collective "-ADs".

    Thanks to all who attended or participated!
    Traveller (Gary Alfonso) also donated three gift certificates. Thanks again to Gary.

    I had a great time myself. I wish I hadn't seen the photos though. It shattered my belief that I still had SOME hair! <LOL> I am looking forward to the next one in mid July.

  2. #132
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Looks like a fun time guys

    <This signature intentionally left blank>

  3. #133
    Senior Member blabbermouth spazola's Avatar
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    I had a great time, it was good to see the same folks and to meet some new ones. It sure is a good group of people.

    I am still giddy about winning an 8/8 Henckles Friodur and a custom set of scales. Thank you John and Gary!!!

    Thanks for setting this up (herding cats) Dewey!

    I had a good time and learned a lot. I am ready for next time.


  4. #134
    Senior Member vgod's Avatar
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    let's see what i learned.

    i want a heribut wacker from john. those are georgous str8s. i was so close to buying one it is unreal.

    kenrup is a wealth of knowledge that knows no end. hopefully your advice for honing a smile will help out. and when it came to someone else giving ideas, he was just as attentive as i was if not more. (it is nice to see that even he wanted to gain knowledge wherever he could.)

    jockeys make some damn fine soap. the lather is on par with Col. Conk. very good. the cinnamon clove is amazing, however during the shave i think my nose hairs were burning a bit. but the scent lasted and stayed with me for quite a while.

    it is nice to see a honemeister, john, have to work to get an edge. i want that diamond pasted bench strop. the henckels is very close to shave ready. i think now i can work on it with the norton and get it sharp.

    spazola is such an inspiration. he seems to make anything work for him. he inspired me with thick scales, a future homemade grinder, and just for looking outside the box to come up with new ideas.

    dewey is owed so much for getting this together. he worked really hard to make this work out. twice.

    thank you to maeglin for the lapping plate. lapping a horton in a bar bathroom will get you many very odd looks from men taking a piss. and i am still amazed at how many men do not wash their hands. if you hold your piece, wash the holder!! come on!!

    missed kriton. hope you heal up buddy.

    genn, thank you for all the conversation. let me know how you fare with your microscope.

    for all others, glad you all made it out. i was hoping to stay longer, but the family comes first. hopefully we can do this again before to long.


  5. #135
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    ok, since I'm apparently not allowed to attach pix to threads anymore and no one seems to know how to solve it, here's this:
    (imageshack hosted , clicketypops to MUCH bigger version, didn't bother resizing since the bandwidth ain't on SRP's dime)

    Last edited by jockeys; 05-07-2008 at 12:59 AM.

  6. #136
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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  7. #137
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    last one:

  8. #138
    Libertarian Freak Dewey's Avatar
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    Thanks for the pics Jockeys! The macro of the toe pin is awesome.

  9. #139
    Senior Member vgod's Avatar
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    i spent some more time on the henckels that john started on at the meet up. i was able to work a couple of aggressive intuitive pyramids between the 4k8k and really started to see the difference. i worked with it on Tuesday for about 30 min, then again tonight. i did end up putting in a little microchip in it and that is most of the reason i worked on it again tonight. about 5 min on the 4k, then about 5+ on the 8k. then to the coticule on my paddle, the cro ox paste side, and then the strop. started popping hairs on my arm, not great, but they were falling. shaved tonight with it, no irritation, even ATG. i think i can get it just a 'hair' sharper, but hey, it shaved!!

    another honed razor!!!


  10. #140
    Incendiary Enthusiast CDpyroNme's Avatar
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    Exclamation Ummmm... take a look and tell me whatcha think

    I picked up this Dovo on my first Dallas treasure hunt... For the sake of avoiding redundancies, just go to the thread I created under Razors. I'd post the pic here, but I seem to be mentally challenged, so just search under threads created by me. You'll also find out when you get there that I have no idea how to make sure my album is viewable. I marked it as public and it may just not be up yet, but who the hell knows...

    Anyway, I'm pretty proud of myself. Tell me what you think!


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