oozuku 大突
shobu (shobudani) 菖蒲
oohira 大平
I don't remember how you write okudo, and, in the end of the ohira and ozuku you can ad the word yama, means mountain.
There are no labels that specify if a hone is suitable for kamisori. Those stones were quarried and cut for woodworkers, not barbers. And, there is no maruka stamp for those mines.
It is very possible that, if your friend finds a seller, he will see some stones with stamps. Almost none to none of them are worth anything, and are not guarantee for their performance. Stamps are easy to get there.
Basically, you want a hard stone, without inclusions, on the top or sides of the stone. The small cracks are not a problem if they are sealed. I bet I forgot to mention something, but keep those in mind, and good luck.