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Thread: Finishing Hone?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I don't own one, yet, but a lot of guys here swear by them as a finisher.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Walterbowens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Hey Waterbowens!! I think you have been given great recommendations!! But I am with Hirlau 100% here... though it doesn't help the HAD .

    Not to discount your need but you should be getting great shaves off the 12k! Fantastic even! If not, its my opinion that its too soon to get more of a finisher than the 12k. I say that only because if your not getting great shaves off the 12k, a stone above it will not work and the frustration will mount.

    That was my experience anyway. I am ashamed to say it, but I think it took me like two years to really get the most out of my synthetics. Lol, maybe in two more years I'll be saying it took four lol! Who knows .

    That said, if your 12k is giving you edges that are so good that perhaps you feel that some experimenting seems like fun because who cares if I get better than I am now as I am getting awesome now, I would stay go synthetic.

    Good luck and remember, Lynn, the guy who started this forum and countless others shaved off an 8k for years before they found higher grits lol! Not long ago that 12k of yours was a "wonder hone" lol!!

    Oh the joy!
    Thanks for the info. I am getting very good shaves of the 12k ss. I was just wanted past it just to see how good, good could be.
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  3. #13
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walterbowens View Post
    Thanks for the info. I am getting very good shaves of the 12k ss. I was just wanted past it just to see how good, good could be.
    Sounds like you are good to go then!! Good luck! Keep us informed! Would love to hear the progression!

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    yes and the progression of the HAD as well. Always curious
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You could always have your razors honed by someone who has different finishers and see which you like best before you drop a dime on one. Or you could just go for it...
    The Naniwa will offer consistency, but then again I think they all offer some consistency once you know what to expect.
    If it were me and I had to do it again right now, with what I know (not much) I would get a Yellow Coticule and be completely happy. I 've never had an issue to date with mine
    I've ran into razors that didn't do well on the PHIG and have all ready ran into one razor that didn't work well on the ZG. I always get a nice edge off my Yellow Coticule it seems no matter the razor.

  6. #16
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    In general my recommendation will be Suehiro Gokumyo 20k
    Really? Seems a bit pricey for a first finisher. Or any finisher, for that matter.

    How about a balsa hone with chromium oxide? It works really well.

    N.B.: I'm serious, this is in no way meant as a snide remark.

    And about slow finishing coticules: any coticule I tried needed maybe 50 X-strokes max. for finishing on water. I'm talking about the very final finish, of course.

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  8. #17
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    What kind of experience do you have honing?
    What is your set up so far?

    In general my recommendation will be Suehiro Gokumyo 20k
    +1 to this. The Suehiro Gokumyo 20k is my go to finisher in conjunction with the Shapton GS hones. I use it almost exclusively now.

    It is a bit pricey, but worth it IMHO. When compared to many of the Jnats, Eschers, etc...It's cheap.

    It gives consistent results, and it's easy to use. No variables like you have with many of the naturals.

    I don't think the OP mentioned on the cheap, budget or his experience. All this needs to be considered.

    Pretty much any paste or spray would work as a final finisher.
    Last edited by zib; 04-14-2014 at 10:02 PM.
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  9. #18
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pithor View Post
    Really? Seems a bit pricey for a first finisher. Or any finisher, for that matter.

    How about a balsa hone with chromium oxide? It works really well.

    N.B.: I'm serious, this is in no way meant as a snide remark.

    And about slow finishing coticules: any coticule I tried needed maybe 50 X-strokes max. for finishing on water. I'm talking about the very final finish, of course.
    Ha! My wife has an expression that used to drive me batty but I have come to respect - I believe applys here.

    "Its all about the definition."

    Some would say crox is for maintaing a blade - not a finishing stone. But I guess you could say a 20k was something you could use to maintain a blade too.... And some like you say crox is the final step and consider it he final progression of the honing process.

    Tomato, tomato... Lol!!

  10. #19
    Senior Member DennisBarberShop's Avatar
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    Not bad pricey, good sized stones, and ive heard a ton of good feedback on them....also zulu grey seems to be nothing but good feedback.

  11. #20
    alx is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walterbowens View Post
    I'm looking for a good finishing hone and I would like to ask members what they would suggest, and why? All info. is welcome and appreciated !!
    I would suggest that if possible you meet up with a fellow from the site here and sit down and hone some razors on his stones. I am partial to natural stones, favor Jnats, but there are so many options in cyberspace, hands-on testing cuts through the cheese.

    hope this helps,


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