So I have two straights that I'm gonna hone tomorrow. One if which I honed once but feel I can do better and the other one I had to bread knife a chip out of.

I have a 1k/6k water stone a balsa strop with CrOx I leather strop(of course) as well as a vinyl/felt strop.

Can I achieve a desirable edge from this set up? Or am I better off having them honed and saving up for a finer grit finisher like a 10 or 12k naniwa.

Don't get me wrong I got damn near BBS shaves on my first honing but it wasn't all that smooth.

I don't think I spent enough time initially setting the bevel and in turn not enough time on the 6k.

Also didn't have the pasted balsa last time. I did paste the felt tho. But only did 20-30 passes.
