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Thread: Honing set up

  1. #31
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncraigtrn View Post
    I may very well do that. What do you think do a "My Kit" type post in the beginners section? Might hold off til I'm certain the barbers hone and ch12k do the trick.
    "My Kit on the Cheap"

    But yeah, definitely after you get some results good or bad.

    Take notes - you'll be shocked at what you forget lol!

  2. #32
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    "My Kit on the Cheap"

    But yeah, definitely after you get some results good or bad.

    Take notes - you'll be shocked at what you forget lol!
    I will note my progressions once I have the new additions to my kit. May need another project razor [emoji57] to document how to achieve my results.
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  3. #33
    No that's not me in the picture RoyalCake's Avatar
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    +1 in the honing journal. I should have started it much earlier. It's crazy how fast you forget what effect a particular variable does what when there are so many to tweak.
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldSalt View Post
    My setup is even less sophisticated. I have a rough 600 grit DMT to set the bevel on my Gold Dollars. The Belgian Blue Whetstone I intended for that is too slow. So I short cut with the DMT. After that, I use only the BBW in steps until I'm only on water, which should be around 6000 grit. Then I use a Crox strop and get a mirror like polish on my edge. Finally leather strop and done.
    I like your minimalistic set-up, mine is close with a vintage bevel setter followed by a yellow coticule, but a BBW followed by a balsa padle with CrOx is probably cheaper.

    and somehow a coticule always seems to lead to more coticules, damm HAD
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  5. #35
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    InQUOTE=Bram;1337509]I like your minimalistic set-up, mine is close with a vintage bevel setter followed by a yellow coticule, but a BBW followed by a balsa padle with CrOx is probably cheaper.

    and somehow a coticule always seems to lead to more coticules, damm HAD[/QUOTE]

    Lol!! There is some truth to that! OK a ton lol.

    Though truth be told in my case, my coti (first stone) took me right Into synthetics - but not until i fought with my coti and after a great deal of denial . My coti just couldn't/can't set a bevel, so all the eBay razors I started collecting went unused until I got my 1k. Of course, that lead to a 3, 8, etc, etc k synthetic .

    That said, I have bought another coti since. Now I am debating between a 20k, an Ark, or something else. I love rocks .

    Rocks beget more rocks .
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  6. #36
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    yep, I'm still going from bevel set to coticule but now I have 3 coticules to choose from
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  7. #37
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    Update. I got both my c12k and barbers hone today. So tomorrow I will be honing again. Will take notes an update
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  8. #38
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    Before I do my longer post just wanted some feed back.

    I honed my razors again with my new set up.

    After my c12k my edges were damn near dull. I couldn't understand it. I was second guessing myself and my set up. So I was like well back to the 1k to start over I guess. But then a voice in my head said go strop it on felt with CrOx and then on leather. About 60 laps on CrOx and 150 on leather all my razors were passing hht.

    Now I haven't been able to do that before the BH and C12K.

    I went ahead and did my other two this way. I've only shaved with one of them. By was BBS afterwards.

    I guess I am wondering if anyone else has had similar problems where off the stone borderline dull and after stropping super duper sharp?

  9. #39
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncraigtrn View Post
    Before I do my longer post just wanted some feed back.

    I honed my razors again with my new set up.

    After my c12k my edges were damn near dull. I couldn't understand it. I was second guessing myself and my set up. So I was like well back to the 1k to start over I guess. But then a voice in my head said go strop it on felt with CrOx and then on leather. About 60 laps on CrOx and 150 on leather all my razors were passing hht.

    Now I haven't been able to do that before the BH and C12K.

    I went ahead and did my other two this way. I've only shaved with one of them. By was BBS afterwards.

    I guess I am wondering if anyone else has had similar problems where off the stone borderline dull and after stropping super duper sharp?
    Not uncommon at all. Read some of the Naniwa threads .

    2 things come to mind.
    1. Bevel not right
    2. Too many laps & edge has a wire you remove with 60 laps on CrO. Seems a lot of CrO to me .
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  10. #40
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    OTE=ncraigtrn;1339613]Before I do my longer post just wanted some feed back.

    I honed my razors again with my new set up.

    After my c12k my edges were damn near dull. I couldn't understand it. I was second guessing myself and my set up. So I was like well back to the 1k to start over I guess. But then a voice in my head said go strop it on felt with CrOx and then on leather. About 60 laps on CrOx and 150 on leather all my razors were passing hht.

    Now I haven't been able to do that before the BH and C12K.

    I went ahead and did my other two this way. I've only shaved with one of them. By was BBS afterwards.

    I guess I am wondering if anyone else has had similar problems where off the stone borderline dull and after stropping super duper sharp?


    - Yes, I have gone to my c12k and messed up my edge
    - No, I have never proceeded with my messed up edge anyway and gone "hog wild" with a pasted strop

    Interesting. But hey, if it worked and your face is happy...

    With respect to the c12k (and note i don't know if this is good advice or not, so I hope others pipe up.); after lapping mine, I wasn't getting the best results either. So out of desperation, I put a touch, and I mean a touch, of cooking oil on it. It worked for me.


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