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Thread: Honing set up

  1. #1
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    Default Honing set up

    So I have two straights that I'm gonna hone tomorrow. One if which I honed once but feel I can do better and the other one I had to bread knife a chip out of.

    I have a 1k/6k water stone a balsa strop with CrOx I leather strop(of course) as well as a vinyl/felt strop.

    Can I achieve a desirable edge from this set up? Or am I better off having them honed and saving up for a finer grit finisher like a 10 or 12k naniwa.

    Don't get me wrong I got damn near BBS shaves on my first honing but it wasn't all that smooth.

    I don't think I spent enough time initially setting the bevel and in turn not enough time on the 6k.

    Also didn't have the pasted balsa last time. I did paste the felt tho. But only did 20-30 passes.


  2. #2
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I wouldn't think of shaving off a 6k. But that's because I have been fortunate enough to own higher grit stones from the offset.

    Now that said, if you can get a great shave off your 6 with some CrOx love thereafter - you are going to be in heaven when you do get a 10 or 12k.

    I say save up for a good finishing stone.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncraigtrn View Post
    Or am I better off having them honed and saving up for a finer grit finisher like a 10 or 12k naniwa.

    Don't get me wrong I got damn near BBS shaves on my first honing but it wasn't all that smooth.
    I am definitely in the "Get a maintiner/finisher hone" camp if its your first stone AND if the razor is already at a DFS level. You say "near BBS shaves". That's a good sign.

    I went that route and am not sorry. I bought a Naniwa 12K as my first stone. Worth every buck. But, only if you watch Lynn's videos on Naniwa honing. Monkey see, monkey do and a patient "Can do" attitude.

    Welcome craig!
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  4. #4
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    Yes I thought so too maybe someone will post a 12k in the classifieds
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    Not very frequently at all. They are pretty cherished stones.

    On the upside, Straight Razor Designs (the establishment of Lynn Abrams,the owner of the forum) has them for about as cheap as you'll find them. It is where I got mine. He's the epitome of old school business. You can't go wrong.

    Thank me,
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  6. #6
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Must agree with the gents above. I wouldn't call a 6k edge 'desirable' for shaving but I believe there's another camp that use progressions of pastes whereas we choose to use hones. I don't have the experience to explain it tho.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    Damn was really hoping I had what I needed. I'm broke as a joke. May have to go back to the shavette for a few weeks [emoji16][emoji17]

  8. #8
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncraigtrn View Post
    Damn was really hoping I had what I needed. I'm broke as a joke. May have to go back to the shavette for a few weeks [emoji16][emoji17]
    Yeah well don't let us discourage you!

    If your face says a 6k with crox love is good - its good! Getting a smooth save that cuts is key! How you get there ain't no ones business but your own lol!

    Your final strokes off the 6k would have to be supper light me thinks!
    pfries and badg3r like this.

  9. #9
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    Lol. Guess I'll give it a shot and word case scenario send it out.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Sounds like you are doing well. Make sure that all the 1k scratches are gone at the 6k. Its a good jump and will probably take a while. At the 6k feather light finishing strokes then the crox. Try take each step to the max. Good luck
    earcutter and Euclid440 like this.
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