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Thread: Very general vintage hone information?

  1. #1
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    Default Very general vintage hone information?

    I've accidentally acquired a small collection of vintage hones, all of which I picked up by buying assorted lots of vintage razors. I have a Franz Swaty and a couple Pikes, and many others, and I was recently given a hone that's unmarked. It measures 5.25" x 2.25" and has different-colored sides that meet unevenly and organically around the edges. I was told it's a natural hone, and possibly valuable?

    I'm not looking for monetary values. Well actually, I am looking for monetary values, as I'm in the process of selling them, but I understand that sort of thing is against forum policy, and that's not a problem, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can about antique hones so I know what to pay when I find them, and what to sell them for. Looking at sold hones on Ebay isn't much help, especially with the natural ones.

    I have yet to find substantial basic information about how to value and appraise hones, and which hones are most desirable among hone collectors, so if anyone can give me some general information, or if you can steer me toward a resource with the info I need, I'd be very appreciative.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Vintage hones without labels are a tough sell unless you are a known user of hones and have some street credits. There are hundreds of very good quality natural hones out there selling for small amounts. In order to know what is being bought you almost have to have a hone in hand. Very clear pictures of a nicely lapped hone from close up in natural light both with and without water and with a light slurry will help those in the know to have a better idea. If that is how it is advertised it is likely going to bring the best price possible, but it isn't usually much compared to the labeled ones. Without the label there is a risk that the hone is actually not hat it appears. Generally if people take a risk they want a possibility of reward.
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  3. #3
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    Rezdog, thanks for the info. So I would just dip it in water and photograph it wet? And what would that illustrate, just so I know? Also, "a light slurry." As I said, I don't know much about hones. How would I create a light slurry?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Proinsias's Avatar
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    Henk's 4 part, so far, pdf's on grinding & honing are probably worth a look. It's a great resource for natural, especially European, stones.

    Index website Henk en Ge Bos

    Without pictures I'd hazard a guess your possible natural stone of different coloured sides is a coticule/belgian blue whetstone natural combination stone. There's a few examples of them in part 4 of Henk's series.

    For barber hone info Mike's tests might be of interest:
    Barber Hone Reviews
    Last edited by Proinsias; 09-16-2014 at 03:27 PM.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    many people use a spray bottle to wet the stone. For a slurry you can use a diamond plate or diamond card or a very hard smooth hone like an arkie. Whatever you use it can't be soft enough to slurry itself or the slurry will be off color and that isn't the effect you want. Natural hones is a long study in understanding and recognizing the qualities of each type and color of hone. Good luck!
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  6. #6
    Senior Member hipsley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starling View Post
    I've accidentally acquired a small collection of vintage hones, all of which I picked up by buying assorted lots of vintage razors. I have a Franz Swaty and a couple Pikes, and many others, and I was recently given a hone that's unmarked. It measures 5.25" x 2.25" and has different-colored sides that meet unevenly and organically around the edges. I was told it's a natural hone, and possibly valuable?

    I'm not looking for monetary values. Well actually, I am looking for monetary values, as I'm in the process of selling them, but I understand that sort of thing is against forum policy, and that's not a problem, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can about antique hones so I know what to pay when I find them, and what to sell them for. Looking at sold hones on Ebay isn't much help, especially with the natural ones.

    I have yet to find substantial basic information about how to value and appraise hones, and which hones are most desirable among hone collectors, so if anyone can give me some general information, or if you can steer me toward a resource with the info I need, I'd be very appreciative.
    What are they worth to you is more the question. There are Lots of people out there selling expensive bits of usless rock. As far as finding out what grade use etc they are, ask your local well established carpenter they normally have a good idea of what's what.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starling View Post
    I've accidentally acquired a small collection of vintage hones, all of which I picked up by buying assorted lots of vintage razors. I have a Franz Swaty and a couple Pikes, and many others, and I was recently given a hone that's unmarked. It measures 5.25" x 2.25" and has different-colored sides that meet unevenly and organically around the edges. I was told it's a natural hone, and possibly valuable?

    I'm not looking for monetary values. Well actually, I am looking for monetary values, as I'm in the process of selling them, but I understand that sort of thing is against forum policy, and that's not a problem, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can about antique hones so I know what to pay when I find them, and what to sell them for. Looking at sold hones on Ebay isn't much help, especially with the natural ones.

    I have yet to find substantial basic information about how to value and appraise hones, and which hones are most desirable among hone collectors, so if anyone can give me some general information, or if you can steer me toward a resource with the info I need, I'd be very appreciative.
    How does one accidentally acquire vintage hones?
    Looking for values, but not?
    GOOGLE is your friend.
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  8. #8
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    Hi Hirlau. I buy a lot of razors, often at auction, and box-lots frequently come with all kinds of other shaving-related things in the box, like shaving brushes and hones. I'm wondering what they're worth so I can sell them, but asking for monetary values is not usually encouraged in forums, so I'm asking for general pointers for when I'm trying to decide how much I should pay for a given hone.

    For clarity's sake, here are the hones in my collection: Name:  IMG_1529.jpg
Views: 212
Size:  41.6 KB

    The one in front is the one described as natural. The green box the left is hard to read, but it's an SRD Quick & Easy Razor Hone.

  9. #9
    Senior Member hipsley's Avatar
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    Can't tell from the pic what the green one is. Can you do a pic of it closer maybe?

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I'm not trying to be combative here, so please don't take it that way, but you have been with us over a year & you have asked only two guestions on value of items.
    The Library section here at SRP goes into detail with hones of many types. Also the "Advanced'' search box,,, above right,,, not the GOOGLE box, will provide tons of information on the items you have. Though you may not get dollar amounts on these items, you most certainly will learn which items are sought after. From there, different markets , such as Ebay will give you a clear picture on what the market value is for that item.

    Then again,,, some will pay way over market for an item that they want in their collection.

    It's not that I don't want to help you,,, you just need to learn more about these items , through the sources that are available to you here at SRP.
    bongo and doorsch like this.

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